the cream's park

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hi guys welcome to the chapter 6 of my story!! to understand what happening here see the other chapters:

"jack liam templeton part 1"

"jack liam templeton part 2"


"2 Brothers' chat part 1''

"2 Brothers' chat part 2''

so you going to undertand everthing! ;)

thinks you need to know:

() showing who say the phase,or when the narrattor is talking too

[] appears when the character is thinking

- when the character is talking

** a action like: *eating*,*crying noises* or *gasp* this things

just it guys enjoy the story :)
(Boi- i think this is the most long chapter that i ever made ಥ‿ಥ)

(it where a normal day at the family templeton's house it was a day that theo was going to the favorite amusement park, the cream's park, tim goes there since he was 4)

(it was his first time (jack's too) and  in this day there was new things at the cream's park)

-ok everything it's on the car ted?(mom asked for dad)

-yes janice!(dad/ted)

(they enter on the car it was a day that boss baby was off duty, but still wanted to talk to stacy and jimbo about her new enemy bow, lady marienne) 

[an elderly lady like her husband, her granddaughter is the girl jack is in love with, she is probably planning something big, but what?](boss baby was thinking)

-get ready kids we are going to the cream's park!(dad said excited)

-woah! this seems cool!(jack said happy as always :) ]

(they start the car, and go to they ride,so like last trip i going to put the time, the trip took 40 minutes because is a little close from they house)


(boss baby was secretly talking to staci and jimbo about they enemy, in this week they dind't have time to talk with eachoter so they choose to talk with eachoter at the trip)

-so staci what did you find?(boss baby says to staci)

-her first name and last name is..turtleneck superstar!(staci says worried to boss baby)

-WHA...(boss baby was going to scream but he remember that his parents are there so he screams low)

-*cough*i mean!what?!(boss baby says suprised and low)

-it's 100% true hendershot checked more than 10 times! (staci)

-so i was right she is with some villain and it's a one villain that i now well...(boss baby says low and angry)


(boss baby was talking with staci about a mission that they would spy on it her to see what's she is planning to do with babycorp, boss baby could't join because of the park so staci , jimbo and the triplets would do this for him)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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