jack liam templeton Part 2

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{hello guys this is the part 2 of the first chapter if you don't have seen it go check to urderstand what is happening here }

things you need to know:

() showing who says the phase,or when the narrator is talking too

[] appears when the character is thinking

- when the character is talking

**action like: *eating*,*crying noises* or *gasp* thoses things

let's start!

(boss baby whas thinking on his plan to '''''''''"unmask''''''''''' jack)

-ok....so first i gonna wait to everyone spleeps after that i gonna check his bedroom scretly so after i gonna hear everthing that he says- (Boss Baby)

-perfect....(Boss Baby)

(boss baby hear tim coming and at the same time hides his ''project'' of jack)

-hi baby,so we going to work today?(tim)

-yes tim, and we have another mission!(boss baby said happier to tim)

-ok!i gonna call jack!(tim)

-ok!(boss baby)

-* sigh * that was close(boss baby)

(they start the mission , it was a baby that losed his blanket.... AGAIN ;-;)

(it was close to halloween in that day mom and dad warned the kids that they would have a halloween festival in the neighborhood ,so the mission needed to be faster, it's not just for it that they need to be faster it's because of the secret boss baby's plan of jack )

(after completing the mission they go home)

-this was so cool!(jack)

-yes i know big boy!(boss baby said happily)

-so you heard my advice? good that you finally well with our new brother(tim said)

-yes you were right timothy!(boss baby)

(but actually theodore was lying to make his plan against jacky work)

-kids time to buy halloween clothes!(dad said and mom said after)

-yay! my favorite part! (jack said)

(the family entered in the car, and dad drived the car going to the fantasy shop)

-so.. how you know whats about to happen ,like a new villian comes or other things like this?(jack)

-we don't know jack , we so good because of many years of experience.(boss baby said with class)

-but this things happened like 1 year ago!(tim said)

-don't need to give the details templeton!(boss baby)

(after that the car of templeton family finally arrive the fanatsy shop so they enter in the shop)

-hello boys and....uh...girl! welcome to the happy fantasy shop of miss Kira!(a young woman said with a lot of animation and joy)


-oh looks like we have a new guy on the templeton family(miss kira)

-ah yes! this is jack the new oddest brother!(the dad said)

-nice to meet you jack im miss kira!but you can call me mama kira!(miss kira)

-ok mama kira!(jack said with joy)

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