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Blinding lights wake me up, along with a sudden jolt of movement. Not exactly the ideal way to wake up, but I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.

Where am I exactly?

Seoul, South Korea. Or, at least I will be in 2 hours.

It's crazy how fast time can move. It seems like only yesterday Mark gave me the tickets.

The first thing I did of course was write to Chan, although I knew the letter wouldn't get to him until I was already in Korea. I sent him the dorm address just in case.

'Dear Chan<3

I'm coming to Korea.

Yes you read that correct, i'm actually going there. I'm leaving next week, so by the time you're reading this I should be there.

I know it's a lot and it may be sudden, but I really hope I can see you. Of course it's up to you on if you wanna meet or not, but if you do you can send me a letter back at '9876 Seoul' that's where i'll be staying.

Again no pressure whatsoever, for you i'd wait a million years.

Was that too cheesy? Oh well, I think you're used to it by now.

Hopefully i'll see you later?


It makes me sad that I may not be able to meet him, that was the main reason I was so excited for the trip, but the more I thought about coming to Korea I couldn't help but look forward to it more.

I get to spend time with Mark and the rest of Got7, I can explore Seoul, it causes a swarm of butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

Or maybe it's just anxiety from the turbulence?

Either way, i'm awake now.

I try to calm my nerves by putting on some music. I click shuffle on my Spotify recommended and a song i've never heard before plays.

'God's Menu- Stray Kids Go Live'

"Woah." I mumble listening to the catchy beat.

I feel like i'm cheating on Got7. They're good though, I add the songs to my likes and scroll through my social media's.

I go through my Instagram feed and look through Got7's recent posts. I look through their following and see Stray Kids.

Fun they're a part of JYP too.

Looking through Stray Kids instagram I get a weird feeling in my stomach. It's like a pull. I try my best to brush it off, but it starts to get stronger.

I put my phone away completely and pull out my sketch pad. I'm probably just getting sick from being on this plane for so long.

I start a new sketch. My hands move on their own, and I realize it's a pair of eyes. They seem so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

A gaze that I can swear i've seen a million times.

Maybe in a past life.


So y'all trying to tell me it's been so long since I updated that Got7 is no longer a part of JYP.


clown behavior, but honestly i'm so proud of them no matter what.

anyways, just pretend that Got7 is still a part for plot's sake lol

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