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"Hyung! Your soulmate wrote back!"

I sprint to the living room only to see Jisung and Minho crouched over laughing their asses off.

"It's not funny guys." I complain.

They've been playing these types of pranks on me ever since I sent my letter. It's getting really old.

"They'll write to you soon, stop being so squirmy." Minho says.

Easy for him to say. His soulmate lives in the same dormitory as him. They can talk to each other whenever they want.

"Imagine you couldn't talk to Jisung within a day unless you paid for express shipping." I say huffing out a sigh.

"Fine, fine no more pranks." he raises his hands up in surrender.

"Chan, there's mail for you." Jeongin walks into the dorm sorting through letter.

I take the pile, find my letter, and throw the rest on the ground. I hear whining from him but ignore it as I walk over to my room.

Jae. That's my soulmates name. Jae. It's sounds so perfect.

She finally wrote her name on the envelope instead of just an return address. I rip open the envelope, careful not to rip the letter itself and read it.

I smile as I read each cheesy line she wrote down.

She knows someone in Got7? She listens to 3racha? She also has an unhealthy obsession with hair dye? Wow, she must really be my soulmate then.

I take out the polaroid from the envelope.


That's my soulmate? She's- wow. She has long black hair but the underneath part is a bright white. The polaroid looks candid, she's in the middle of laughing. It looks like she's at a party, and on the polaroid she wrote- for Chan<3.

I immediately slip it into my phone case. I definitely have to ask her to send more photos.

I take out my notebook and start writing my letter to her.


I have a friend with that exact name, but now when I hear it all I can think about is you.

I've been paining myself with imagining of how you looked, but it doesn't even come close to how beautiful you really are.

*cough* send more pictures *cough*.

Do you really know someone in Got7? They're very popular here, that's crazy to think about. I also have to ask who's your bias in 3racha, i'm a big fan of them too. I promise I won't judge you based off your bias (but if it isn't CB97 i'm gonna have to rethink if you're really my soulmate). I'm kidding. Maybe.

I also have a long history of hair dye. I have red hair right now, but I kinda wanna go back to my natural color.

You said you're a senior in high school right? What do you plan to study if you're going to college? Or what are your plans after high school in general?

I'm in the music industry, a producer. I still have my aussie accent and i would say that i'm loud but still soft spoken. I live with a group of my friends, and I have a really big nose.

It's difficult trying to figure out what to say. There's a million things I want to tell you, but nothing seems like it's enough.

I wish there was something I could say that defines who I am, but there's not. Honestly, I feel like my life didn't start until I got a random address in California down my spine. But i'm damn thankful I got it.

I can't wait to hear from you. I will also be camping outside my mailbox waiting for your reply now.

-Your Chan.

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