Welcome To Mystic Falls

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Hope POV

"Ugh....Hi" I said unsure of what to do. "So Hope" he said walking around me slowly. He looked hungry. "Don't even think about it Bucko" I said. He looked at me curiously. "You're not feeding off of me" I said in reply to his facial expression. He stopped walking. "Y-you know that I'm a vampire" he says more confused. Shit I can't tell him I'm from the future that would screw up the time line. I would just have to blend in. "Yeah. I sensed it. I'm a Witch" I said looking him in the eye. His face changed as it all started to make sense to him. "So... Where ya from" he asked me. I furrowed my brow. Was he seriously trying to make small talk. I let out a sigh. "New Orleans" I said. He just nodded his head. "Now if you don't mind, I only ended up her because of a spell mishap" I snapped as I leaned down to pick up the grimoire. "Later" I said as I walked past him. To my surprise he didn't stop me. I thought I was gonna have to make him pass out or something. He just let me by. I walked upstairs. A lot of things in Mystic Falls was the same as the future except everything was older looking here. Makes sense I guess.Suddenly I hear a scream in an alley. I run over as fast as I can and see a vampire. It wasn't just any vampire though. My eyes widened at the sight of him. It was Elijah. He he just finished feeding and dropped the limp, dead body to the ground. Then he whipped his head my way and I hid myself just in time. I made myself invisible. I knew that it wouldn't help much but it would give me a head start.
I ran down the street and hid in an alley. I was honestly scared. When I was around other people that were doing bad things or just being ordinary people I was tough as nails, but around my family it was so much harder. I knew I couldn't screw up the timeline so I had to act like an ordinary person. And I couldn't say my real name. Guess I'd have to be known as Hope Marshall from now on until i get out of here. I let my invisibility spell down and walked out. The clothing style hadn't changed to much though so I could wear these clothes for today until I got some money. I walked toward the Mystic Grill, the townies favorite hang out spot and sat down.
"Well look who we have here" someone behind me said. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Damon" I asked bitterly. He sat down across from me and I raised my brows in response. "I need a witch" he stated. "Sorry but I'm not helping people right now" i answered. "But Hope" he started. I held my hand up to signal for him to stop. "No" I stated sternly. "I've spent most of my life helping people and now, I'm helping myself ok. So Goodbye Damon Salvatore" I said and got up to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "You don't want to be on my bad side missy" he said in a hushed tone. I raised an eyebrow. "Blackmail. That's really what your going with. I have been possessed before Damon. You," I said and looked him up and down. "Your nothing but an inchworm" I said and ripped my wrist out of his grip. He watched me leave and I knew, even without turning around, that he was glaring at me. Oh god. I've got to stay away from him or I'll likely mess the timeline up. He's important to the events that happen here. I sighed and continued walking, eventually heading into the woods.
I had no where to stay and no money to stay at a hotel so I decided to sleep in a cave. I made it roomy and hid my grandmothers Grimoire in a hole in the cave wall. I cat and illusion spell over it to make it seem like there was no hole at all and made a bed. There would definitely be times when compulsion would be handy but I really do t want to be a vampire so, a cave will have to suffice. Besides, I am part wolf. Shouldn't I have some comfort in here? I laid down on my bed. It was hard since it was just a bunch of leaves and branches but it was what I had. I laid down and I thought about what I would have to do to seem like a normal person with no importance whatsoever. I would have to call myself Hope Marshall as I previously figured out. I would have to get a job to get money and new clothes and later, and actual bed. I would have to go to school too. Ughhhh. I continued to think about more things until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up with the biggest cramps ever. Ok sleeping on sticks and leaves was not working well. I muttered a spell and my cramps started to go away. I walked around until I found a pond. I undressed myself and got in (after I made sure no one was around, obviously). I washed myself up and got back out. I pulled the clothes I was wearing before back on and just used a spell to change their colors. The dirt went away with the use of the spell and everything looked clean. I fixed my hair with magic too. Honestly this was just weird. I had always gotten dressed and brushed my hair without magic but since I have nothing I had before, I have to make some temporary changes. My outfits now consisted of a red jacket, black pants, a black top, black boots, and my necklaces.

I walked out of the woods and onto the road

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I walked out of the woods and onto the road. I was across the street from the Mystic Grill. I walked across the road and down the street. I was headed to the school. The Mystic Falls High School.
"Hi" I said to a man. "I'm Hope and I guess I'm enrolling here". He looked at me and then guided me to his office.
"We'll Miss Marshall, you are a blank slate" the principal said as he looked at my papers that I gave him. Obviously they were fake. "Parents Tom and Cathleen. No transcripts from your last school or anything else" he said and looked at me questioningly. "I guess they must have gotten packed away or something. Like I said we move around a lot" I told him. Lie. "Well if your gonna be on Mystic Falls your going to have to go to school" he told me. No duh dipshit. "I guess it's a good thing I'm here then" I said. "Can I go now" I asked him and pointed behind me at the door. "Yes. Ughhhh. Here is your schedule" he said after searching around his desk and handing me the piece of paper he picked up. "Thanks" I said awkwardly and walked out. I walked to classroom 2b and opened the door. Oh. My. God. I completely forgot he works here.

Hi! Thanks for reading chapter 2 of this story. I plan to update more often. Also, I wanted to mention, I've only seen one episode of the vampire diaries so I'm probably not going to get like literally anything right about it. I'm sorry but I'm making up my own story. Anyway..... Who do you think she saw??!?!?! This is an easy question.

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