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Hopes POV

I was tired now. The spell I just did was huge. Lizzie was doing pretty good because she used my magic and just kept pulling it from me. I started to collapse and almost hit the floor before Dad caught me. His eyes were filled with the love that I always knew. I gave him a small smile before he pulled me back up and I leaned on Lizzie for support. "So we need your help to get back home and go back to everything, the way we left it" Lizzie said to my Family and let out a huff of air. I stood up on my own and wobbled a little before catching my balance. "Lizzie. Look at this" I said and gestured to everything around us. "Everything is screwed up. There's no going back to the world you know" I told her. She looked mortified but tried to hide it. "Who knows maybe o could stay and Josie wouldn't have to do the merge" she tried looking on a bright side. "Lizzie" I cut her off before she could go any further. "We'll find a way to stop the merge but you can't stay from Josie" I said and with feeling. "Well we don't have enough power to get back anyway sooo" Lizzie said regaining her cool. I took a breathe and tried to hide it but Lizzie noticed. "Hope" she said and took a step forward. "What are you planning" she asked curiously and smoothly. "Nothing" I lies to her face. "Hope. You have got something so big in mind that even you can't hide it. So tell me, what is it" she asked me in a demanding and know it all voice. I took a step back and I bumped into Elijah who grabbed me. I forgot they were there. The only way I was gonna get out of this one was with a little magic. "Transiet de coetus" I yelled and everybody in the room fell to the ground. I knew it would be dangerous to leave them all like that so I cloaked them and walked out. I knew what I had to do and it was going to be hard. I went to the Bus Station and Paid for a ticket to New Orleans. It took a long time and I was really scared from what I was going to do. Lizzie and my Family will have woken up by now and I prayed that Dad didn't go on a Killing Spree. I walked up to the door of my soon to be home and walked in. There were bodies lining the floor wrapped in old old blankets. I wanted to be sick. I had always hated seeing people dead.
I jumped and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I saw the screen read DAD and sighed before answering and putting it up to my ear. "Hello" I said with annoyance in my voice. "HOPE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" my Dad yelled through the phone that I pulled away from my ear a little bit. "Dad I'm alright and I've got a plan. Just don't confront Dalia until I get back and keep Lizzie under control please" I said through the phone. I could basically picture his face full of anger. "Besides I'll be safe. I know where I am and what I'm doing" I informed him and hung up the phone. I knew what I said would definitely let him know where I am but I'll hopefully be back by that time. I set up a locator spell and looked for something of Vincent's. Then I remembered that the hair tie I had in my hair might be one of the ones he gave me. I pulled out my ponytail and placed the hair tie in the center. Then I started chanting the spell. I got flashes of him and his wife sacrificing animals and finally got a Location. I packed up my stuff and was about to walk out when I heard a whooshing sound behind me. I stopped and turned around to see the face of my adoptive brother. I sighed and loosened up. "Your not supposed to be using magic" he said to me. I honestly think he was trying to be intimidating and I almost laughed but I kept my face cool. "Now I do have a rule that I don't harm kids unless they give me a major reason so I'm letting you off with a warning" he said like this was heaven for me. If only he knew who I was. "Yeah yeah Warning. Dude, it's just magic, suck it up" I said to him with attitude which made him angry. "Why don't you just leave" he said and I could tell he was keeping himself from doing something he would regret. "Look, I'm not usually one to play the Black mail card but I have to do something here and if you give me a hard time I will tell everyone about Davina Claire" I blurted out and his eyes narrowed. "Why do you have to do whatever your doing in New Orleans? This is my kingdom" he asked while gritting his teethe. I scoffed. "Marcellus, New Orleans is a city, it shouldn't be able to be called a kingdom because that will cause a lot of problems" I said and then realized I called him his full name once I saw his angered, questioning, and shocked face. "What did you call me" he asked. "Marcel. I called you Marcel" I panicked. "You called me Marcellus. The only people that ever called me Marcellus were the Mikaelson's, which means you've had contact with them" he pieces together. I opened my mouth to speak but words couldn't form. "That's right she has Marcel" the British voice of Dad came from behind. I whipped my head around and saw his face. "Klaus Mikaelson. Long time no see" Marcel greeted. "Indeed Marcel but I just came to collect her" he said and gave me a look that said I was in deep shit. "Well I'm sorry but you can't keep kids as your prisoners" Marcel defended me and I scoffed, making him look sideways at me. "She's not my prisoner Marcel" Dad said with a tone that's says this conversation was annoying him. "Oh really" Marcel said like he was lying and looked at me. "Then let's ask the girl" he finished. Wow these fights were the dumbest fights I have ever seen. "Is Klaus keeping you prisoner" he asked me in a serious but know it all voice. "Why would I keep her prisoner" Dad interfered, still annoyed. "Because your sick and we've all heard about what you've been doing in mystic falls" Marcel commented loudly. I was about to protest when I heard whispers again. I squeezed my eyes and started breathing heavier. The two were still arguing and didn't notice me. I couldn't take it anymore. All the noise, it hurt. "STOP STOP" I shouted. I put my hands to my ears and fell to the floor. The argument stopped and I opened my eyes as Dad ran over to me. His eyes were filled with worry. "Hope, what's wrong" he asked. I could tell he was scared and Marcel came over and knelt down. "The whispers" I answered. They're loud and won't stop. Marcel glanced at Dad confused but Dad didn't care about that. "Dad" I whispered. "What Sweetheart" he answered, making Marcel more confused. "Go get Vincent" I answered and Bebe him the paper I wrote the address on. "An see if Freya's still at the Asylum" I added. "Stay with her" Dad ordered Marcel after hesitating wether to leave me or not. Marcel nodded his head and Dad woodshed off. "Come on Hope, you can't run forever" Dalia's voice whispered in my head. "IM NOT RUNNING" I shouted out loud. "Hope" Marcel said worriedly. "You are running. Your scared that your family's fate will be worse if your with them, so you run". I start sobbing and grabbed onto Marcel and hugged him tightly. He was still confused but accepted my hug nonetheless. "It'll be alright Hope" he comforted me. I released from the hug and looked at him. I took a deep breathe, stood up, and chanted the spell. "Youve fuerat ad monumentum, Youve fuerat ad monumentum, Youve fuerat ad monumentum" I chanted getting louder every time. A wind started to pick up and Marcel looked worried. "Hope what are you doing" he asked as he fought against the wind. "Youve fuerat ad monumentum" I chanted one last time and his memories came flooding back into his mind. "Hope" he whispered in relief as he remembered who I was. I felt dizzy and didn't say anything. Then I collapsed but Marcel caught me. His face was the last thing I saw before everything went black.
I woke up in a dark room. It actually felt like it wasn't a room, but more a never ending darkness. I stood and and tried to cast a ball of light but it didn't work. "Hope" I heard a voice say. I whipped around and tears starting streaming down my face when I saw who it was. "Mom" I replied. I ran over to her and hugged her with all my might. "Hope I'm so sorry this happened to you" she said as we released from the hug that I wanted to hold forever. "It's okay. We're gonna fix things. Your not gonna die and  everything will be better" I reassured. Tears streamed down both our faces. "Hope, I love you and I know you can get through this. Your smart, brave, powerful, and you will protect the ones you love" she said to me. "What if I can't get through this" I said, not knowing that's what I would say. "I mean, everyone's gonna come after me soon and I have no idea how life is going to be or how to get back to the future or who's lives I might screw up" I finished and started panicking. "What if someone else does like Lizzie or Josie because of things I'm doing now" I asked starting to hyperventilate. "Hope, you are strong. Know that no matter how much people count on you, you can't save everyone" she told me. "Mom what if I stay here" I said as the idea popped in my head. "Hope you know you can't. Your not dead, I just got permission to see you" she said crying even harder. I squeezed her tightly. "I don't wanna let go Mom" I whispered. "You have to baby" she said and released me from the hug. I started crying harder too. "Now Go" she urged and I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes.

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