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Noah Felix River.

He dm me on instagram a few hours ago, saying that he was the 'romeo guy' from the mall a a week ago. I'm surprised he 'found' me. He told me that he saw my comment on some post and he 'stalked' me because I 'looks like juliet girl'.

(That's a lot of apostrophes just for one paragraph ik.)

We chat for a few minutes, getting to know each other. He's really friendly and I would like to be friends with him. Noah is also a funny guy, the dramatic funny type of guy. Him and I would get along just fine.

As I was thinking about this dude, I heard a crash from upstairs. I ran upstairs without a second thoughts, my heart beats quicken as  I heard more crash sounds. Then a sound of horrified scream echoed at the hallway.

I look around the hallway to find which room the sound was coming from, then I saw it. Alex's bedroom was wide open, the sounds of crashes stopped after the horrified scream, there was only a sound of.. crying ? I'm scared of what is happening, is this a prank ? What the fuck is happening ? My heart beats so loud it feels like it's coming out.

I ran inside the room to find my twin brother on the ground with lots of broken table lamp scattered besides him. Alex has his knees pressed against his chest as he sobbed uncontrollably. The sight of him broke my heart, I don't know what to do. None of my other brothers are home and this is the first time I saw Alex in this situation.

Without thinking, I push away the broken pieces of bedside lamp with my hand to make a space in front of him for me. I think I got my hands cut but I don't care. I kneel down in front of him, grabbing his face to look at me. I want to cry. He looks so scared and broken. Tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. I don't know what to do so I pull his close to me. I wrapped my arms around him as he put his head on my chest.

His sobs soon turns into a sniffle as I slowly start rubbing his back, "You're okay, you're okay, you're with me."
I whispered.

(Fuck, I'm so bad w writing shits like this, sorry)

A few minutes past and I feel his muscles relaxes, he tiredly yawn as he nuzzles his face on my neck.

"C'mon Booboo."
I quietly say as I slowly and carefully stand up wiith him almost sleeping on my arms.

The bedside lamp pieces are still there but I don't want Alex to get hurt while walking towards the bed so I clear the way with my foot, I have socks on but I think there's still some glass pieces, my feet hurts but I don't care about that right now.

I lay him down on his bed, his tear stained face and his scared looks are not the sights I like seeing. I don't know what is going through his head and what he's scared of right now. I feel so useless.

All I could do is just stay here and be there for him. Alex tiredly open his eyes, he looks at me with small sad smile plastered on his face. I kissed his forehead and tugged him in,
"I'll be right back."

I quickly walk into his bathroom and take a towel, ran back besides his bed and bent down to gather the bedside glass lamp pieces with the towel. It needed to be vacuum or something but there's no maid today since it's weekend, so I'll have to wait until Alex is on his right state for me to clean the mess.

After I kinda clean those pieces of glass, I take a first aid box from the bathroom cabinet and sat on the ground, take off my socks, and carefully treat the wounds on my feet and hands.

Once I've done with my wounds, I clean the mess I made and make my way back to his bed where he was sleeping, he doesn't seem to be asleep though. I slipped in the blanket and scoot over to his side, he quickly wrapped his legs around mine, and his one arm rest on my stomach.

With that, I tried my best to fall asleep with my mind thinking about what the hell happened to him in all those years.


"You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable."
I tried to reassure him with a small smile.

Alex shakes his head,
"I think it's the time for you to know."

And then he told me.

"We ran away. We didn't know where to go and what to do, we just tried our best to blend in the streets so that no one could recognise us. We were terrified. We didn't know what happened to you, mom and dad. We cried and cried, everything reminded us of you and our parents.
A couple of days past with us living like a fucking homeless on the streets, until some people found us and decided to send us to foster system."
He pause, looking at the ground with an emotion that I couldn't recognise.

"It was horrible. They seperated us. Those people send us to foster home where we have to live in a horrible life. Those— those foster parents— they— they—"
I throw my arms around him as he cried in my shoulder. A bunch of emotions rush through my head. I was angry at the fact that those fuckers did something horrible to my brothers. Angry at myself for not being there to help. Angry at the foster system to have such things. I feel an ache on my chest just thinking about all the possible things that might'vd happened to them.

"They hit us, Lex. They hit us for being not strong enough, not smart enough, not good enough, we were not enough for them. They forced us to— to touch—"
He couldn't finish as he continued crying harder. Tears flowing down my face as I listened to him. They don't deserve those things. Why are people so cruel ? They were just kids! Hearing Alex talked about these makes me realise how strong they are, they've gone through so much yet they doesn't give up.

Half an hour past by with me comforting him. I also realised that our other brothers were behind the door, listening to us talking. We spent our time comforting each other and me telling them how strong they are and that they are enough.

And, of course, Dante started making a joke which lightened the atmosphere.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think our lives was ?"

"Dante, this is not something to joke around with!"
I hissed at him, making him laugh out loud.


FUCK I'M SO BAD AT WRITING THINGS THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE EMOTIONAL. I hope y'all understand me because I'm so bad at english, I'll just edit this shitty story later when I get older.

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