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The Devaux manner was quiet, the soft rustle of the gardens drifted through the air

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The Devaux manner was quiet, the soft rustle of the gardens drifted through the air. The summer had finished in a blur of happiness, sunshine and laugher  and September 1st had quickly rolled around.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much" Rosaleé squeezed her friends into a group hug

"Don't get in too much trouble" Emilie warned gently.

"Do the exact opposite" countered Georgine smirking

"Oh Georgie, great minds think alike"

"I love you Rosa, stay safe" Cecile sniffed while Georgine gathered her into her side.

"We're to miss the carriages if we stay much longer" Emilie said, checking the time.

"I love you girls and I'll see you in the holidays" Rosa waved with a sad smile as the girls blew her a kiss and apparated away leaving Rosaleé alone in the entrance of the manner.

"You all packed?"

The girl twirled at the voice, there stood her brother Luis Devaux.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have quidditch practice?" The girl questioned.

"Coach let me have the day off. That's what happens when you're the star player in an international professional team"

"Alright no need to get cocky" Rosaleé rolled her eyes at her brothers joking tone.

"I cancel my plans to say goodbye to my little sister and this is the way I get treated. I'm hurt"

"Oh don't be so fucking sensitive"

"Shut the fuck up"

"You shut the fuck up"

The two siblings locked gazes, challenging each other until the pair cracked letting a small smile form on their faces.

"I'm going to miss you little Devaux"

"I'll miss you too luis"

Mr Devaux rounded the corner with a briefcase in his hand. "Right let's get going so Rosie doesn't miss the train and I'm not late for work. Chop chop, come on Rosaleé"

"Ever charming father" the girl rolled her eyes smirking. Her father only gave her look as he placed a hand on her shoulder and swiftly apparated onto the stations platform.


Platform 9 3/4 was buzzing, students stood with their parents each hugging and kissing them goodbye as they sent them away for another year at school. Tears pooled in their eyes as they sent their children away in these dangerous times. A war was brewing. Yet parents were still assured that Hogwarts was the safest place for students to be.
The train sounded and students started filling into the compartment.

"Go on Rosaleé otherwise you'll miss it" the blond picked up her trunk and started making her way towards the train. "Rosie"


"I love you. And please behave yourself"

"You too dad. And don't I always?"

"No Rosa. No you don't"

"Huh really? never would of guessed" she teased.
Seeing her father chuckle with a shake of his head she bordered the train.

Most of the compartments were full as she walked down the length of the train. Towards the end of the carriage she managed to find an empty compartment and lugged her trunk through the doorway and flopped down on the seat. As the train started to pull out of the station and into the Scottish countryside she gazed out the window in awe of the rolling hill and rivers. Lazily smoking a cigarette she opened the  window a little letting the smoke drift away while she rested her feet on the opposing seats. The feeling of tranquility only lasted a few seconds when two boys burst through the door.

"Well would you look at that wormtail. We leave our compartment for five minutes to find the trolly lady only to return to find a beautiful girl sat in our compartment. The gods must be with us today"

Rosaleé barely lifted her head as she rolled her eyes at the boys dramatics. She paid no notice to the boy as he pushed her feet off the opposite seat and sat in their place. Deciding that her feet's comfort was more important than the strange boys, she placed her feet back where they were previously, upon his lap. The boy looked dumbfounded at his friend who was snickering beside him.
Finally looking up Rosaleé was met with the faces of two boys. The boy that was currently being used as a foot rest eyes widened at her face. 

"You're Rosaleé Devaux!" He exclaimed

"Maybe, maybe not" she answered studying the two.

The boy sat across from her had long black hair about to his shoulder. His face was sculpted and chiselled while his deep grey eyes stared into hers. The boy was evidently attractive with a sense of opulence about him.

"You are arn't you!" He exclaimed "Prongs is going to flip!  Sirius Black" he smiled charmingly extending his hand towards the girl.

"Pleasure" she quirked shaking his hand. Rosaleé had heard about the Black family and there high position within the British society of Pure Blood Wizarding families.

"And I think we'd have some beautiful babies. Want to try?" He smirked bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it shortly. Rosaleé had to prevent herself from snorting "perhaps later". Leaving the Black boy with a shocked expression she turned her attention to the boy sat next to her.

"Hi!" he beamed "I'm er Peter". Peter was a small boy with mousy hair and Rosaleé thought it was quite adorable the way he excitedly introduced himself meanwhile also looking a little terrified.

"It's nice to meet you Peter" she smiled "you can call me Rosa if you like. Would you like a cigarette?"

"Oh please" a large grin formed on his features

"Hey! What about me!" Sirius exclaimed "don't I get to call you Rosa and get a cigarette?"


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