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Rosaleé woke up to a high pitched scream

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Rosaleé woke up to a high pitched scream. Running out of her room in her tank top and shorts, her hair tossed into a messy bun she skidded into the kitchen where the sound had come from.

Her face instantly relaxed and she broke out into a massive grin.

"Rosa! Our house is infested with rats!" Georgine squealed pointing to Siruis who stood there unamused.

Rosaleé threw her head back laughing before grabbing the girl and pulling her into a tight hug.
"Don't worry, we'll get the pesticide treatment out later" she joked winking to Sirius who rolled his eyes.

"How'd she even get in here?" Sirius said exasperated

"Through the front door?" Georgine stated obviously "is he mentally ill or something?" She asked Rosaleé whispering in her ear.

"Probably. There's a lot of evidence to suggest so"

"Morning" Remus greeted as he padded into the kitchen, his hair still messy and voice groggy "oh hi Georgine" he waved and the girl politely nodded. Rosaleé practically melted at his cuteness and rounded the kitchen island to peck him on the cheek.
Georgine and Sirius didn't even seem surprised. Sirius was used to it at Hogwarts and Georgine seemed to already know.

"How long has that been a thing?" Georgine asked Sirius popping a slice of bread into the toaster

"Months" he replied

"Let me guess, they're 'just friends?'"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Rosaleés my best friends. I know these things"

"How come it's just you?" Rosaleé asked finishing fixing Remus' hair and turning to the other girl.

"Emilie and Cecile are coming later on. They're stay with their parents for a bit"

"Ahh okay. Since we have a spare day I was thinking we could take a trip down to the beach, it's warm enough"

"Good idea" she agreed buttering her toast.

"We'll go when everyone's ready no rush"

It had taken most of the morning for James to wake up and the rest of them to get their things ready meaning that when they left it was mid afternoon.
The walk wasn't a long one from the manner and a winding path lead through the vineyards on the Devaux land down to the beach.
The sun beat down and the weather was divine.
Rosaleé had packed a picnic for them all along with towels, blankets and pillows.

They spread out their towels next to the sand dunes and all stripped down to their swimwear diving into the inviting water.

The waves lapped against them gently as the water sparkled around them. Rosaleé clug onto Remus her arms around his neck as she could no longer reach the bottom while Georgine laughed at Sirius and James trying to dunk each other under the waves.

Remus and Rosaleé swayed around in the water as Rosa drew shapes on Remus' back.

"I can see why you like it so much at home" Remus said, his arms around her waist.

"Yeah, I'm really lucky" she smiled

"Do you ever plan on leaving France. Are you returning after graduation?"

"That depends"

"On what?"


Remus only looked over her face confused

"I don't want to leave you and the boys. I like it in the uk. But then again, if you all are moving on with your lives, you all won't need me to be there"

"I don't want you to move back"

"I won't then"

"Oi Moony!" James exclaimed splashing Remus with water beckoning him over. Rosa kissed away the droplets on his face and swam back to the shore with Georgine, leaving the boys to mess around in the water.

The two girls both laid out on their towels enjoying the sun and snacking on grapes and Pumpkin juice when suddenly some figures blocked their sunlight casting a shadow over them.

"Well well well, would you look at this lads. Miss Devaux is finally back"  joked a bitter voice


Oop- who dis?

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