>Chapter 14<

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A/n: Hey guys! I changed this chapter a bit cause I found a fault I made. Forgive me. This is the new chapter 14😅

One week later

Its been a week already since the incident that happened last week. Apparently Taehyung remembers everything that happened even though he was drunk. He seems to remember things when he was drunk. Work was same old same old. Soo-ah also didnt bother is anymore, but Taehyung acted differently since she came.

You woke up, showered , changed and went downstairs. Taehyung wasnt in the room so that could mean hes already waiting for you downstairs.

Taehyung: Goodmorning!

Y/n: Oh hi, I didn't see you there.

Taehyung: ...Wow! Very funny. *rolls eyes*

You giggles at what he said. You ate your breakfast and was about to head out when all is a sudden you felt like throwing up.

Y/n: Ta..Taeh..yung, I'll be r..right back.

Taehyung: Are you okay?

You ran to the bathroom and threw up. You cleaned yourself and went back to Taehyung.

Y/n: Okay, let's go.

Taehyung: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah.

Taehyung: You sure?

Y/n: Yes, yes I'm sure, let's go before it's late.

Taehyung: O..Okay, tell me if you're not okay.

Y/n: Okayyyyyy!

Your'll drove to work in silence but Taehyung kept asking you if you're okay.

At work

Your'll entered the office started with your paper work.

Taehyung: Y/n, here theres one more file left.

Y/n: Okay.

You went to take the file from him but before you could you felt like throwing up again, wo you ran to the nearest bathroom.

Few minutes later

You came back after you cleaned yourself and went to continue your work.

Taehyung: Y/n, Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine.

Taehyung: I'm taking you to the doctor.

Y/n: Ok-- what! No wait, I'm fine, im promise.

Taehyung: I already made an appointment.

Y/n: Taehyung, I promise I'm fine.

Taehyung: Don't argue with me!

He startled you a bit.

Y/n: ...

Taehyung: Sorry, sorry for screaming at you.

Y/n: ...C..can I go with my friends instead please.

Taehyung: Fine. I'm busy tomorrow too, so its sorted.

Y/n: Yeah. Let me just tell them.

You took out your phone and called Solar.

On the phone

Solar: Hello Y/n?

Y/n: Hello, how are you?

Solar: I'm good and you?

Y/n: Okay.

Solar: So what's up?

Y/n: I...well have an appointment with the Doctor tomorrow so could you come with me.

Solar: The doctor? Why what happened?

Y/n: Just not feeling well.

Solar: Awww my little sweetheart. Okay I'll come with you.

Y/n: Thank you, tell the other too please.

Solar: Okay honey, keep well.

Y/n: Thanks.

You ended the call with Solar and went to Taehyung.

Y/n: I told them.

Taehyung: Okay.

You continued your work and the whole day was basically the same. You spoke to Sehun when you saw him from time to time. He wanted to meet up with you without Taehyung knowing so you agreed. When your'll went home, you told Taehyung that you wanted to do something with the girls and he allowed you since he was tired. You went to the cafe to meet Sehun.

At the cafe

Y/n: Hi Sehun.

Sehun: Y/n, hi

You took a seat and began talking.

Y/n: So, is everything alright?

Sehun: Yeah, yeah, well... I want to confess something to you.

Y/n: Oh okay, go ahead.

Sehun: Uh... well....

He turned to the waiter and ordered something before turning back to me.

Sehun: Okay, ehem, Y/n, I...I really like you. I liked you from the time I've met you. Your and amazing person. Yes I know you're married but I couldn't hold my feelings anymore.

You sat there shocked at what he had to say to you. You didn't know what to say to him. You considered him more of a brother to you. Hes a really nice person too but you... were in love with Taehyung and theres nothing that can change that.

Y/n: I... Sehun, I consider you more of a brother to me, I'm sorry for hurting you. I.. I love Taheyung. Please understand.

Sehun: I understand. I'm sorry. I have to go.

Y/n: Sehun wait!

You screamed for him to stop but he ran away. You didn't know what else to do so you got up and went back home.

At home

You went upstairs to your room even though Taehyung always wanted you to sleep with him but all you could think of is 'what's gonna happen now? Are we still friends? Will he ever talk to me?'. All those questions piled up and with that you dozed of to sleep on your bed.

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