>Chapter 9<

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*a week later*

Taehyung's POV

It's been a week since the incident at the bar and Y/n, didnt talk to you, didnt go to work and you didnt know why she was mad at you. You even acted kinder to her. What did you do to make her mad at you?

You went to wake wake Y/n up this sunny Saturday.

Taehyung: Y/n? Y/n, pleas--

She unexpectedly opened.

Y/n: We need to talk.

Taehyung: ....Okay.

She took you to the lounge and the both of your'll seated face to face. She stared you for over 5 minutes straight, almost like a staring competition. The she started.

Y/n's POV

Y/n: (I have to tell him, okay let's do this) Taehyung...

Taehyung: Hmm....

Y/n: I.... want to get a di...divorce.

He sat the really shocked at your statement.

Taehyung: W..what!? Why?

Y/n: What do you mean? I thought you would be happy, why do you looked shocked.

Taehyung: How am I supposed to be happy?

You were really confused at his reaction. You thought he would probably say 'yes' or be excited.

Y/n: Isn't it what you want?

Taehyung: Why would it be?

Y/n: I... I want you to live your life the way you want and dont think of me as a nuisance. You should be with someone you love, not some---

You were stopped when Taehyung suddenly kissed you. You were shocked yet enjoyed what hes doing. He hovered over you and kissed you deeper, more meaningful and that he actually cared about you.

Y/n: Tae...hmmm...Taehyung?

Taehyung: Hmm?

Y/n: C...Can we not do t..this in the lounge.

Taehyung carried you in bridal style to his room.

⚠️🔞 Smut warning
(A/n: Skip if makes you uncomfortable)

He brought  to the room and put you on the bed and hovered over you and started kissing you. He moved down to your chest. He started unbuttoning your shirt.... and so on until the both of your were left naked.

Y/n: Taehyung...

Taehyung: Hmmm?

Y/n: I'm... scared...

Taehyung: ....Don't worry, I ain't gonna kill you, but maybe you wont be able to walk for days.

You bit you leaving hickeys around chest making you moan abit louder.

Y/n: H...ah~

Taehyung: Enjoying it already, babygirl. I didnt even start... get ready.

He said as he entered you which made you moan extremely loud, even the neighborhood could hear. It pained at first, but as you got used to him, you enjoyed it even more. He began thrusting on you, getting faster every minute.

Y/n: Taehhhhyungggg!!! Ahhh~~~

Taehyung: Music to my ears hun.

As he pounded on you, your head flew backwards, enjoying it.

Y/n: Hmmmm......

He thrusts even faster, damn where does he get his energy from?

Y/n: Tae...Taehyung... I gonna cum!

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