Chapter 10

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My phone buzzes on my nightstand and I pick it up and see a text from Johnny: Nobody's home. Come over?

I roll my eyes at his horrible attempt at being subtle and text him back: Can't. Time of the month

His reply is quick and exactly what I expected from him: Gross. See you whenever that ends

I put my phone down and let out a groan. He always disappears when I have my period.

I venture out into the living room and see Grandma on the couch.

"You break up with Johnny yet?" she asks.

"No. I'm gonna do it in person one day next week."

"You say that now."

"He's a psychopath, okay? I have to be careful with how I go about this."

"You should just do it fast and get it over with."

"That's not how Johnny works. Fast to him means impulsive. He needs to know that I thought it over and that it's what I want and there's no changing my mind."

"He'll know it's what you want if you start dating someone new right after."

"I don't want him to know when I move on. That would just hurt him and make him spiral again."

"He's gonna spiral anyway."

"He might." I admit. "But at least this way, he can't question what I want."

"He'll still question it."

I let out a sigh and shrug. "Probably. Where's mom?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"No need for the attitude." I laugh.

I make my way back to my room and see a text from Bryce as I flop down onto my bed.

Come over?

What is with both of the boys in my life wanting a booty call today?

I text him back quickly. Can't today sorry :(

Are you with Johnny?

I roll my eyes as I type my reply. No

His response is fast and only mildly pisses me off. Then what gives?

I groan as I text him back. I just can't

My phone buzzes and I roll my eyes as I read his response.

But why? Alex, what's going on?

I scream inside as I press send. If you must know, I have my period.

His text back makes up for all the frustration his previous ones caused: Can I bring you anything?

Oh, I'm gonna have fun with this.

I smile as I text him back. Brownies would be nice

His response makes me smile. Do you want me to make them for you or bring over a box of brownie mix and we can make them together?

I text him back with the biggest smile still on my face. Second option please

You got it, babe

I set my phone down and roll over in my bed. A few minutes go by before a knock on the front door finally comes. I jump up and lay my comforter over my bed to make it look a bit neater before heading to the front door to let Bryce in. I stop at the top of the stairs when I notice Grandma sitting on the couch.

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