Chapter 21

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"How are you doing, sweetie?" Mom asks.

"I'd be doing better if Johnny would leave me alone."

"He's still going?"

"I blocked his number, so he moved to Instagram. I blocked him there, so he moved to Snapchat. Blocked him there too, so he moved to Twitter. Blocked him on Twitter, so he went back to Instagram with a fake account."

"And you blocked that too?"

"Of course, I did. But because he's Johnny, he made another fake account."

"Please tell me you have some sort of proof of all this."

"I took lots of screenshots."

"Good. Has he been by the house at all?"

"He drives down the dead end and he's sat outside a couple times but he hasn't come to the door at all."

"He's sat outside?"

I nod. "He just sits in his car. Like he's waiting to see if I'll come out or if someone will come over."

"What exactly does he say to you when he messages you from his fake accounts?"

"He's cursed at me, called me a whore, told me everyone around me would be better off without me and that I should kill myself and then for some reason he always ends the messages with an attempt at getting back together."

"Are you serious?"

"Unfortunately. He'll ask why I won't just get back with him and I tell him how he treated me like dirt and then he'll throw a tantrum and say I'm wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm too stupid to know what's best for me. That's where I block him and then get another fake account requesting to message me."

"How long has he been doing this?"

"Since Bryce met up with his dad. Their dad."

"Almost two weeks? This is harassment now, Alex. You'd be well within your rights to go to the police."

"I know. I just don't want to take it to that level."

"He's the one taking it to that level."

"I know."

"I just want to make it extra clear that I never liked him."

"I know."

"Your grandmother didn't like him, either."

"I know."

"What does Bryce think of all this?"

"He's not a fan."

"Why don't you let him take care of it? I have faith in his ability to hide a body."

"Good to know."

"I'll help him if he needs an assistant. I bet Cassie will join too."

"She absolutely would."

"Grandma's got some experience in that department."

"She what?" My eyes widen and my jaw drops to the floor.

"Oh, relax. I was seeing if you were paying attention."

"Can you test me later?" I laugh. "I need to do a some shopping at the mall and I'd like to get it over with."

"You're going in that?" She looks down at my pajamas.

"I wasn't gonna change with my mother in my room."

"Fair enough." She walks out and closes my door behind her. "Can you grab some milk while you're out?"

"Sure!" I yell as I yank open the top left drawer of my dresser. I pull out a pair of dark blue denim shorts before closing the drawer and opening the one next to it. It takes some digging before I find the tank top I'm looking for: a yellow crop top with white flowers on the chest. I grab a pair of black panties and a tan strapless bra before taking a light green towel and going into the bathroom.

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