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Victors pov

After completing my work I finally head towards home and not to mention the house was silent and I felt that something has happened because Anthon was screaming at Liam and Karen and kabir as their usual self was not fighting and as for Lilith she was not around
No one was seen
I shrugged it off because I was tired as hell and now the only thing I want is my bed and sleep
I was on my way to my room when I passed Anthon and he gave me a guilty look and I thought of talking about that later .
I went inside the room and saw Karen sitting on the couch

"why are you here?" I asked him

"uhmm I actually wanted to tell you something" he replied but he was looking down and I knew it's something big

"tell me I'm listening but look up to me and talk" I replied and when he looked up
I could say that he was hiding his tears and his eyes were red and face was pussy
I made him sit again and I sat beside him

"tell me what wrong Karen" I asked

"Victor I'm sorry, I broked your trust and now I feel really guilty" he said and I was now only scared what did he do?

He then continued " I know Anthon guaranteed you and even I promised you that I won't smoke again but I did smoke, trust me victor I really didnt want to break your trust it just happened" he said and I got up from the couch and left the room

I was so disappointed in him . I didn't want to see his face again
I did everything for them
When our father died I took their responsibility became their guardian I was just 20 that time but I didn't said anything
I took over my fathers business and their responsibility
I always worked hard for them and the only thing I wanted in return was that they grow up with happiness around them and don't get into something like drugs and smoking and when I first got to know about Karen smoking
I was shattered but I didn't showed it and now again I'm so so disappointed
I feel guilty now . I raised him wrong
Only if I raised him right thing which happened now didn't happen

The reason I was again smoking was our father died because he used to smoke a lot and one day he got lungs cancer because of smoking and he died and I don't want my brothers or sister to repeat that same thing

After I left the room I was now at the pool area of my house
I sat down on the bench and was thinking about all the childhood memories of us and I didn't even noticed that a tear dropped my eyes and now I was crying

"Victor" I heard a voice and turned around to see Lilith. I quickly wiped away the tears and made a cold poker face I don't want them or her to see my another side. I don't want to show them that this guy who is their legal guardian and also the oldest is weak

She came and sat beside me and we both were looking up in the sky
"victor I know it's hard. And you know it's okay to cry and show your another side. No one will judge you. And I know what Karen did was wrong but just think from his perspective he was stressed and he did that. You know whenever I felt low I used to cry alone no one was there with me but with you. You have the brothers and even me who will always listen to you without judging" she said and I looked at her in the eyes and gave a slight smile which she gave back and then left

After listening to Lilith I was finally ready to face Karen
I went to his room and he wasn't there then I went to the garden area and he was playing basketball
Basketball was the only thing he do when he is upset
I went to him "Karen" he turned back and I could see how guilty he was "I'm sorry Karen for not understanding you and I'm really disappointed in you right now but I will forget it if you promise me that whenever you feel stressed or low you won't smoke you will come to me and talk about it" I said giving him a Lil smile "I promise victor" he apologized and I took him into a hug

While I was hugging Karen I saw all my siblings looking at us with awe I asked them to come towards us and they all slowly came and we pulled out of the hug "I'm sorry everyone especially anthon" Karen said
"it's okay just don't do it again"anthon replied
"I'm sorry karen for making fun of it" kabir apologized
"I'm sorry to kabir" Karen replied
"stop with this now everyone" Liam spoke
"let's go and get dinner, I'm hungry" Lilith said which made everyone laughed as we went inside to have dinner

After dinner I went to Lilith's room . I knocked on her door and I heared a come in so I went inside
Lilith was seating on her bed while doing some stuff I went to her and said "Thank you Lilith" I smiled and gave her a peck on her forehead and then tucked her into the bed and said good night and left

So who's your favorite brother till now?
Not gonna lie, I have kind of things for older brothers and I'm in love with Victor.

And no offense but I'm in love with all the eldest brother of the stories which Ive read...

MY 5 BROTHERS Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz