Lilith nightmare

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Please I'm sorry
I'll be a good girl, let me go
I'll do everything you say just don't hit me

I screamed in pain. It hurted me gutted me like hell but still they didn't stop
I really wished I had someone who would save me from them
I tried escaping from their grip but I wasn't strong enough
And that got me into more trouble

Everyday I used to scream and beg them to stop hitting me but they never had mercy on me

I was used as their punching bag
Whenever they were frustrated or tired and that made me feel like hell .i just wanted to run away and start a new life

But guess what I wasn't strong enough to save myself
I was just a weak and broken person who will never be loved

All my thoughts were interrupted when they kicked me into my stomach
Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I screamed
But there were no one to hear my voice

I felt ashamed of myself that I let them do all the things they wanted
I was just a weak person and nothing else

"Please leave me
I will listen to you
I promise
Please don't hit me

Victor's pov

After I finished discussing about work with anthon I noticed everyone have done with their breakfast and already left
I sighed and went to Lilith's room
I have to take her to the doctor but when I entered her room I saw she was sitting in the gallery and was talking something

I went closer to her and realized she was having a freaking nightmare and her hands and legs were continuously moving
I was worried what if she hurt her self I ran towards her and tried to wake her up but it was of no use

I called my brothers and now everyone was surrounded around her and was trying to was her up but it was of no she

She was screaming and begging them to stop

"please leave me
I will listen to you
I promise
Please don't hit me

Those were the words came out of her mouth
And we all felt hurt bad and guilty at the same time
We were not there for her
When she needed us the most
We failed from the duty of protecting our sister most importantly I failed

She went through all this alone
Although she have 5 brothers who loves her more than anything in this world and seeing her like this
Broked everyones heart

We tried waking up her again with full force and luckily she worked up

When she worked up she was scared like hell, there was sweat on all of her face and when she sawed me
She didn't wait a second and hugged me and I immediately hugged her back and now she was crying like a little baby in my arms

"Th-e-yy w-ill hu-rt me" she said between sobs and I patted her back and let her continue

"p-pl-please I'-m s-o scare-d, I don't want them to hit me a-ga-in  it hurts a lot . I-i begged them to not hit me but they didn't stop.  Please save me from them. Please" she said while sobbing I'm my arms

"No ones gonna hit you princess" Anthon said and patted on her head

"if anyone even thought of hitting our Lil baby,  we won't live them" Liam said

"we are hear to protect you" Karen said

"you are strong baby sis" kabir said

Lilith looked up to them and then me and asked "promise?" she asked with her big doe eyes

And we all nodded in unison and replied to her "promise princess"

She smiled a little and then looked at me with innocent but scared eyes "I'm sorry" she whispered but it was loud enough "you don't have to be sorry" I said with a small smile "I hope you feel okay now? Hmm,  you know you can talk to me or any of your brothers, we are always there for you" I Said and she simply nodded returning the smile

"now go and freshen up , we are going outside" Liam said and pushed Lilith to the washroom which made her giggle

"so where are you taking her Liam?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him

"not just her, we all are going" he replied

"where?" Karen asked

"amusement park!!!" Liam said and smiled

"that's a great idea, she's gonna love that Tho" kabir replied and everyone looked at me and I simply nodded indicating it's a yes

"WE ARE GOING DOWNSTAIRS, COME DOWN WHEN YOU GET READY" Liam screamed in the direction of Lilith's washroom

"OOKAY!!!" she screamed back and we went downstairs

"Boys listen to me , as you all know about Lilith's past life. I want to tell you deal with her patiently no matter how much you are angry or anything else, as you all know she easily get scared, and tomorrow I will go to doctor's with Lilith and make sure to ask him about Lilith's nightmare" I said and sat on the couch while everyone else left to get ready

Soon after they all came down one by one and only Karen was left and while waiting for him the guys were discussing about who will ride which ride

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