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A few days back, I was watching Laxxmi Bomb which showed the life of a transgender. Though I didn't know that it was on this topic but I truly enjoyed it and after watching that I had to rant upon it.

If you are a homophobic person, then give me one reason, just one reason that why do you hate them?

Is it because they are DIFFERENT?

Well, in this world who isn't different? Every individual is different. Every individual has their own choices. Who are you to point them?

Look, I get it you don't like them. DON'T. But at least don't spread hate for them. Don't say ill about them. Who gave you the right to harras them? Who gave you the right to ill treat them or say disgusting things about them?

Learn to spread love and if can't then at least don't spread hate.

I have many a times seen a group of transgender coming and asking for money from the families sometimes quite forcefully when a child is born or someone buys a new house.

I was against such transgender people [Note: not all transgenders] and kind of still is.

But then I wondered how do these groups of transgender become? Why all these people are mostly together. We hardly find a single transgender among a group of straight people. Why is that so?

This is because most of the parents disown their own child when they get to know that their offspring is a transgender. [Again I won't here use the term different, because everyone is different] They throw them out of the house as soon as they get to know this.

But first step isn't this. The first step is always to convert a transgender into a straight. They would try to change the sexuality. But when they will fail in that, they would just throw the child out of their house like a dust.

Now, the life for any child outside their house is so difficult, everyone agrees to that. Now, think about how these children survive. People refuse to give them, food, shelter. They are deprived of love.

Only those who suffers through that pain can understand this pain. The transgender makes groups, help and support each other.

Isn't it amazing? In today's world, humans don't support humans, women don't support women, a man doesn't support the other men but they always support each other.

They are far better than us. We should at least learn something from them.

After making this group, everyone needs food and basic facilities but the so-called-societies gets hell bent on making their survival difficult.

In your school or college or at workplace, how many transgenders have you found? Tell me?
To be honest, I haven't seen a single transgender in my whole school with about 5000+ students.

And what will happen if they will attend school as well? Studies can only take place in a healthy, peaceful environment. But there are people who wouldn't stop harrasing them ever because of no reason.

They need to survive and for that they goes from home to home to ask for money.
1. No one gives them any kind of work and if by 1% chance they even get, the workers there make it difficult for them
2. People deny to give them food.
And that's why for that survival they take money from people forcefully.

Sometimes, it literally feels like the humanity has died.

Why don't people understand that they are transgender because the nature has made them like that.

We talk about equality between girls and boys i.e. gender equality but why do we fail to understand that transgender is also a gender only!

Right now there is so much inequality between boys and girls, then what would be the condition of the transgender?

Being a transgender, lesbian, gay, etc is considered as a curse over here. But let me tell what is the real curse we have got. The disgusting and cheap thinking of our society. Being brainless is better than having such thinking.

Such disrecpful words are used to call these people 'ae hijda' or 'chakka'. If you are using such terms for them then you are clearly showing that you are an illiterate.

The worst thing is that our textbooks which are considered to have the knowledge of the seven worlds, doesn't educate people about this sensitive topic. There is a LGBTQ day but sadly, no one celebrates it. And leave alone celebrating, hardly people knows about this day.

My school literally bores us by celebrating every stupid day but I have never seen my school spreading awareness on this topic.

And those who support transgender, if found such people, at least dont show them your sympathy as if it's a bane. Though it is in SUCH A SOCIETY but still. They don't want your sympathy but your love and support and concern.

From here, I just leave my rant though I want to rant even more but then it would be difficult for me to stop XD.

Your thoughts over it --------------------->>>

Any other topic you want me to rant on?

Poetic_Pri My thought has changed a bit on that topic now after watching Laxxmi Bomb and I can understand better now what you were saying in Miss_Clumsy_Soul rant book.

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