Chapter six: The "accident"

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Sarah and Zoe are on their way to Rachel's house. Zoe feels excited to find out the secret and Sarah... she is there for the gossip. As they reach, they get out of the car and ring the doorbell. Rachel's mom, Mrs. Shelden opens the door and greets the girls while they enter the house. She says that Rachel is upstairs in her room and leads the girls there. She wishes them to have a nice time together and leaves.

"Are you excited for tonight, Rachel? I chose some movies that we can watch, I think that you'll like them. Also, we could maybe sneak out, don't you think? To have some fun..." - Sarah giggles and looks at Zoe. She doesn't look like she likes Sarah's idea but still smiles at her.

"Yeah, I'm very excited. Maybe tonight could make me feel better." - says Rachel.

"Of course! Now let's get some snacks and start watching Netflix." - Rachel goes downstairs to get the snacks that Sarah and Zoe brought. Sarah grabs her laptop and starts looking for suspicious things on it while Zoe is on the door waiting to warn her if Rachel is coming. As she goes through her google search history, she sees something that catches her eye.

"Zoe! She's been watching lesbian porn since September 2018 until her fight with Bella. That's the only weird thing that is on her laptop. Do you think that she might be a lesbian?" - says Sarah.

"Maybe but how is this information useful? Wait! She is coming, she is coming!" - Sarah puts Rachel's laptop to it's place and acts like nothing happened. But the fact that she found lesbian porn doesn't leave her mind and she decides to find out if Rachel's lesbian or not.

"The snacks are here, let's start watching." - says Rachel as they sit on her bed. One hour later Sarah decides to test Rachel and puts her hand on her tight and moves it higher, then Rachel feels uncomfortable and goes to the bathroom. She is thinking why did Sarah do that but then she goes back to her bedroom. After the movie ends the girls start talking about random things. Rachel looks like she forgot about Bella and now she seems happier. After a while Sarah's phone starts ringing. She picks up and talks a little bit and then hangs up.

"Girls, I'm sorry but I have to go. You, both, enjoy the night." - she grabs her bag but Zoe stops her.

"Where are you going? Tonight was going to be our girls night, right? You can't go anywhere, Sarah."

"Yeah, we were having such a great time. Don't go." - says Rachel.

"I have to. I'll be with Zak. He needs me, I think he had and argument with his parents." - and Sarah leaves. As she approaches her car, she gets a message that says "Hurry up, baby girl! You don't want to lose someone that you love, right?". Sarah gets in her car immediately and starts driving as fast as she can.

"I don't think that she is going to be with Zak. Her expression was worried, do you think that she might be in trouble?" - says Rachel.

"Yeah, I think so too. But she hasn't told me anything. She would tell me if there was a problem."

"Zoe, don't be dumb. Why would she tell you if she is in trouble. Do you have Zak's phone number? I think you should call and ask him."

"Okay then, I'll call him." - says Zoe and calls Zak.

"Hello Zak, is Sarah coming to you right now?"

"No, she's not. Why?"

"Someone called her, she said that it's you and then she left."

"WHAT? No, I didn't call her. Do you have any ideas where she could be? Why did you let her go? What if she is in danger?"

"I don't know Zak, I don't know. I thought that she was going to be with you..." - and Zoe's eyes got teary.

"Okay, so we should calm down first. That's Sarah, she wouldn't do anything to put herself in danger, right? We will wait until tomorrow and ask her."

"Okay." - says Zoe and hangs up.

The next day everyone except Sarah is at school. Zak gets worried and starts calling her but she doesn't pick up her phone. He decides to go to Sarah's house and ask her mom if she's home or not. As he walks towards his car, he sees Sarah coming. He goes to her but she doesn't notice him and keeps walking. Zak pulls her by the wrist and makes her look at his face. As he looks at her, he sees her red eyes.

"Sarah! Where were you last night? What happened to you?" - asks Zak.

"Hey, buddy! I'm sooo fine, don't you see?" - she tries to speak.

"SARAH! You're not fine. Let's go to my house. You can't go to school like this." - says Zak. He is trying to understand what did she take but Sarah is unable to explain. As Zak puts her to sleep his phone starts ringing. It's Zoe. She asks him about Sarah and he explains everything to her.

Then Zoe hangs up the phone and keeps talking to Rachel. She still couldn't figure out what's going on between her and Bella but now at least she is talking to her.

The classes are over and the girls are finally leaving the school. As they go down the stairs, they see that there is a crowd of people looking at something. They approach them and see that the nurses are taking Bella to the ambulance. Rachel is frozen in her place trying to figure out what happened. At that state of shock, she sees Omar who's just standing there. She runs down the stairs grabs him by the shirt and starts shaking him and yelling.


But then Omar gets himself together and pushes Rachel as hard as he can to get her off and she falls to the ground. His anger is starting to show, now he's blaming Rachel for what happened to Bella he starts approaching her, just about when he was going to hit her the teachers come and drag him away while he is screaming.


As Rachel watches the ambulance leave, she breaks down and starts crying uncontrollably. She doesn't want to leave Bella alone in the hospital and asks Zoe if she could take her there, then Zoe calls Leo and they all go after the ambulance.

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