Chapter seventeen: The end

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In front of Sarah's house Zak is questioning himself whether should he go in or not. A couple of minutes later he decides to get out of his car and question Sarah, not himself which is the only way to solve out the problem between them. He feels his heart raising from excitement. As he is going to knock on the door it opens revealing Sarah with her pajamas. She is standing right in front of him and looking at him with a face that almost has no emotions even though she feels her heart rise.

"Uhm... hi!?"

She says while not moving an inch.

"Sarah, I wanted to talk and apologize to you but I didn't know how so that's why I'm here."

He snaps her with those words causing both of their minds remember what happened at that terrible night. 

"Zak, I'm very disappointed."

"I know."

"So let me change and we'll talk okay?"

"I'll be in the car."

As she closes the door, she runs upstairs to change. Sarah has mixed feelings about Zak now. She doesn't want to lose him but also she is too afraid of what will the future bring for both of them.

She wears a big white shirt and some leggings and goes down. Leaving the house she remembers all the other things that happened around her and that weird unexplainable feeling takes over her body making her feel uncomfortable in some way.

Sarah gets in the car not looking at Zak and sits there like a total stranger.

"Don't act like a stranger Sarah, I love you so much, I couldn't sleep nights thinking about you."

"Zak, I'm not here to play games and listen to your bullshit. Tell me whatever you have to say. I have more important things to do."

"I know you mean Rachel by that. You're not a cop stop "chasing" her."

"And you're not funny saying that, Zak."

"Whatever.... So Sarah, I'm sorry for not listening to you, I shouldn't have acted like that."


"Yeah? Is that all you have to say?"

"Zak I need time. I need to make sure that you won't leave me in situations like that or something even worse."

Zak looks her in the eyes and instantly regrets his behavior that night.
"Sarah, trust me it won't happen again. I've changed. I can't lose you again please."

"Fine... but that's your last chance and if you fuck it up - I don't want to see your face ever again not even hear about you."

"I missed you so much."

And he hugs her while taking a deep breath. She smells like berries and sweets, the smell he loves the most.

"Why the hell did you bring us here?! We've done nothing! And take these handcuffs off, we're not some criminals!"

"Please, we are innocent let us go. We told you whatever we knew!"

Omar and Bella's screams fill the police station as soon as they enter. Two police officers on each of their sides enter with them causing all of the staff to stare. They walk through the long hallway and finally reach the office they're going to get informed about why are they in this situation.

They wait for a couple of minutes and enter the room.

"Welcome you both!"

"You have no right to bring us here with handcuffs without telling us the reason!"

Omar says with a straight face.

"First calm down, would you?... thanks!"

Bella is having difficulties holding her tears back while looking down from shame. Omar still seems very confident with himself and looks the officer directly in the eyes.

"I was hoping that you tell me the reason for all this but I guess I have to start with the news... So we found Rachel..."

Bella jumps from her seat and doesn't wait for the officer to finish her sentence.

"How is she? Is she here? Can I see her?"

"She's dead."

"NO! NO, NO, NO She can't be dead. I'm sure she is alive. She is fine waiting for me and the others to see her. She is definitely okay!"

"Bella, didn't you just hear what the officer said?! Sit down and let's hear what else she says."

Omar grabs her waist and pulls her down to her seat in frustration.

"So officer who murdered her?"

"Hoe do you know she got murdered?"

She looks at him with a curiosity even though she knows the truth.

"I mean... I don't, I'm just guessing!"

"We have evidence that you both killed her."

"What evidence? We did nothing?"

"There's no point of denying. We found your fingerprints on her body, to be more clear around her neck, which proves the autopsy right and also the bruises around her neck. Also we found a bracelet, which has 'Bella' written on it."

Bella starts screaming and crying like crazy, the police officers come in and put their handcuffs back on. This time they are taking them to the jail.

The day they're being taken to separate prisons has come. Everyone is outside of the station waiting for them to come out so they can scream at their faces.

"Bella how could you do that?! You are so evil and I thought you were a nice person. I hope you die in there and your bitch ass boyfriend!"

Zoe says while crying her eyes out. Zak is trying to hold her back but she lets go goes straight to Omar, she hits his face while still screaming.

"I didn't mean to do that, Zoe!"

These are Bella's last words before getting on the police truck and heading to the real hell.

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