Chapter 34

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A/N: Happy New Years Eve or New Years! This year, my resolutions consist of trying new things, maintaining good grades, working out, and working on my skin care. I would love to know some of yours! Comment them below!

The next few days pass by quickly yet slowly at the same time. Val is still questioning what is going on between Cole and I and my mood goes down every second we have that conversation. He has stopped glaring at me, but now he just looks miserable. His hair is messy, not like the controlled messy hair he usually has, and he has dark circles under his eyes. It probably has something to do with his father rather than me and I feel terrible that there is nothing that I can do.

The situation with my younger older brothers have gotten slightly better, meaning that we don't argue anymore. Luca just keeps his mouth shut and doesn't talk to me unless needed to, Fabiano tries to make small talk every once in a while, and Matteo has talked to me about his new schedule that fits in better things for relaxing. Again, even though they have attempted to apologize doesn't mean that I forgive them.

It is finally Friday evening and I am getting ready to meet Gabriel with Nic. Nico has had a smile on his face the entire day and told me to just dress comfortably since we aren't going anywhere fancy. So I get dressed in a pair of slightly ripped jeans and a light grey sweater that's baggy, something that's casual and nice at the same time. 

We leave right after dinner, telling Enzo that Nico and I wanted to go to this new arcade that opened up. It was probably a dumb excuse but he didn't say anything, just told us to have fun and be safe. 

The drive was about twenty minutes and we just spent the time jamming to some weird pop music that is weird yet oddly good at the same time. He was also telling me a little bit more about Gabriel like how he knows a couple different languages and went to school in America for a while.

We finally arrive to this condominium and go to the fourth floor via glass elevator. On the ride up, I say, "This place is nice. Does he live here or something?"

He just chuckles. "No, the condo we're going to technically belongs to me and it's where we always hang out. Luckily, I have my own bank account so I don't have to worry about our brothers finding out about this place."

The elevator dings, indicating we made it to our floor, and we step out. He leads us to a door and opens it with his key. Once we walk in, he is immediately embraced by this guy, who I am assuming is Gabriel. They stay like that for a couple minutes until the guys steps back. I finally get a good look at him and see that he has light brown hair with blue eyes as well as a tattoo on his forearm of a rose.

He gives me a smile. "Hi, I'm Gabriel. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Liliana, but I'm going to assume you already know that."

"Yeah, you were literally all he could talk for the past couple of weeks." We walk to the living room and sit down.

"Well, I'm flattered, seeing as how he was rude for a period of time. You talking to your boyfriend about me did give you browny points however." I said laughing.

Nic looks at me. "I thought you already forgave me for that."

"Don't worry, I did."

Gabriel playfully glares at Nic before turning to me. "Anyways, tell me something about you."

"Well, I love music, which is something Nic probably told you, and also fighting. I also know Russian, Italian, and sign language."

"I thought Nico told me that you didn't know Italian?" Gabriel questioned.

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