Chapter 13

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The week passed by in a blur, and before I even knew it, It was Saturday. Michael and I were training every other day since I have my first fight tonight. My bruises have healed quite a bit, though they were still visible. Yesterday night was the first time Michael, Liam, and I were hanging out together since I got here. Apparently Michael told him about the underground fighting, which Liam didn't approve of, but I told him that it was my choice.

So here I am getting ready for my fight. My brothers were out tonight, so I didn't have to worry about making up an excuse. My fight outfit is black leggings and a black, tight, long sleeved top with a red and black mask.(Outfit shown at top) Wearing a mask helps me gain more confidence since no one knows who I am, but it also adds to the mysterious look. I became really popular when fighting back in California so most of my opponents used to try to take my mask off, which helped me since I knew what they were targeting. Hopefully, no one here knows who Spitfire, my fighting name, is because that just makes it more fun knowing that they are in for a surprise.

At 9:30pm, Michael came to pick me up in his car since we also had to pick up Liam. I have yet to see his parents again, but I was going to wait for another opportunity because we are in a time crunch right now. Once we pick him up, we head to the secret location that only the worthy know, which basically means that only the good fighters know where to go. Michael told me that I would most likely be fighting a guy, but I was used to it, seeing as how only a few girls actually participate in it.

When we get there, I notice that there are a lot of people there, surrounding the cage in which the fighting took place. Michael and I sign in and go to the area that we can warm up. Since Liam wasn't a fighter, he had to stand with the other audience members and I could tell he was very hesitant to let me go. We made it to the room, and I saw that all of my brothers were there stretching. Crap, crap, crap. I turn to Michael and drag him into a empty corner to warm up, knowing that my brothers won't see me there.

After waiting about thirty minutes, my name was called to fight, but so was Luca's. I guess I will be fighting him, though I hope he doesn't recognize me. They would be furious if they knew that I fought underground and would probably give me a worse punishment. Before heading to the cage, I make sure that my mask is on tight and fix my hair into a high ponytail.

I go into my corner of the cage and Luca goes into his, looking shocked that he was fighting a girl. Right before the man said 'fight', I saw Luca twitch his leg, which is a tell that he is going to come straight at me and throw the first punch. Like I assumed, he comes at me and I duck under his punch. When I stand straight again, I elbow him in the face, and he didn't see it coming so he backs up a little, holding his nose. It isn't broken but will probably be bruised tomorrow. Since he is distracted, I give him a kick in the ribs and sweep his legs out from under him. He quickly recovers and I see him tense up so I side step his kick, only feeling a little impact since I didn't move fast enough. He turns to me and I give him a punch in the gut and the face, which makes me the winner since he was laying on the floor. At least he is conscious, which is a good thing, but I still feel a little guilty. When I get announced as the winner, everyone looks shocked that I beat Luca.

I make my way to where Liam is standing and he congratulates me on the win and then checks to make sure I'm not hurt. Laughing a little, I say I am fine and go back to the warm up room to see if Michael was ready for his fight. All the fighters in the room, including my brothers, look at me. 

Turning to Michael, I ask, "Why is everyone looking at me like that?" 

He gives me a smug smile. "Because Luca is a good fighter and people rarely can beat him." 

"Well, it wasn't too hard since he had a lot of tells." I said. "My young Padawan, you have grown so much." I full on start laughing. 

"Well, I had a good Jedi Master." (A/N: I am a big Star Wars fan and just had to add a reference) He then starts laughing as well, and once he finally calms down, I train a little with him until his name is called.

We left after Michael's fight was done, which he won. I had to make it home before my brothers got back, but I think I will be fine since they hadn't left yet. It was around midnight when Michael dropped me off and I climb up the tree to get to my window. Closing it behind me, I quickly take a shower and put on my pajamas. I turned off my light and climbed into bed, drifting off almost immediately, hoping that Luca isn't too badly injured. I know that they don't talk to me or try to be my big brothers, but that doesn't mean that I wanted to hurt them, even if they were my opponent.

A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to say that I'm sorry. Usually, I try to update once a day or every other day, but I have been busy this week. I also have a little bit of writers block so this chapter probably wasn't the best. Keep a look out for the next chapter, it may be coming out later today. Thank you!

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