Chapter 3

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The rest of the week went by pretty quickly, I got a detention from Mrs. Roden, I've been ignoring Jeremy, and I got A's on all of my tests this week. On the way home, one of the Regal girls is having a petition for something. I'd bet it would be a pageant on who has the most expensive clothes. Then, out of nowhere she walked over to me, "Hi I'm Lydia Hendrix and I am trying to have a petition for-" I spoke harshly, "not interested, and you can't talk to me," I began to walk away. She looked hurt so I walked back because I already had a bad week and why make her feel bad. I never thought I would feel sympathy for a Regal. "Look, I'm sorry but I've just had a bad week and-" Her voice is calm like something you'd fall asleep to. "No, I understand, and I know the rules. This petition is for the System, so I can talk to you for this; I was just asking if you would volunteer to sign up for the cleanup after the ceremony next week?" I didn't say anything for a moment then out of nowhere, "yeah sure, why not." And I signed the petition. "Great! I'll see you then."

Today, I decided to walk home. I know it takes longer, but I really just needed time to think. This week has been pretty crazy, and it seemed weird that 2 people from other societies talked to me when they're not allowed.

I really had a tough time my whole life, I felt like I really never understood why our system works the way it does. I've always tried to be my own person in Harcos, but everything I do doesn't feel like me. I'm a badass in school, but in reality I'm timid and scared to fail. I really try to fit in, but it feels like we're in a puzzle, and I just can't seem to find my place.

When I get to Harcos territory, I don't even try to join the game they're playing today which is to capture the flag. I think some people were trying to talk to me, but I just ignored them. I really hope when it's time to find out where I live my whole life, that I will actually feel like I belong somewhere. I want to be able to fit in the puzzle, I just don't know how.

When I get home, I see Jeremy at my front door, but decide to take the back door. I just can't face him after I was humiliated, and I definitely hope Jordan didn't run into him.

"Harper wait!" He yelled after me, but I just kept walking, "please let me explain." I turned around and spoke quietly, "just leave me alone." He didn't leave and it started to get on my nerves that I wanted to-, "What do you want from me!" I yelled at him because I am so frustrated with him and myself. "I'm sorry." he said quietly, but I ignored him. 

I'm about to walk in my house until he grabs my arm, "don't touch me." I spoke sternly while trying to look intimidating, "I won't once you listen to me." I laughed, "oh so now you want to talk to me? Do you want me to feel like an idiot like you did on Wednesday?" I shot back at him and he took a deep breath. "I like you ok. The reason I invited you is because I wanted to tell you, but I just didn't know how to tell you." I'm taken aback from what he just said, "you what?" He looked me in the eyes and said, "I've liked you for years, you've always hard to approach and I didn't know how to tell you. You're just so confident all the time, and it intimidates me." My mouth must have dropped because he laughed. "I But-" he cut me off, "what? You don't think you're intimidating?" I had to think for a second. "Well I actually don't think that about myself, and I didn't know you thought of me that way." 

I spoke while he looked down awkwardly, and I thought I just ruined everything by saying that. "You have no idea." he said and I laughed. "Do you want to know a secret?" I whispered calmly in his ear, "I've liked you for a long time too," he looked at me in a very sarcastic way, "WHAT!, I had no idea." I blushed and I think he noticed because he touched my face, "did my face give me away?" I knew what he would say, "every time I look or talk to you, you seem to blush all the time. So I kinda figured because you don't do that to anyone else." When he said that, I didn't realize he paid that much attention to me, then unexpectedly I asked, "would you like to come in?"

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