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"My parents gave me this before they died. I want you to have it," he concluded. Turning to the snow globe in my hands, I couldn't help but fold my lips. It was exhilarating for him to hand over the last thing he got from his parents to me. That is very true of him.

My head turned when I heard a beep sound from my phone. Picking it out from my pocket, I found a new newsletter dropped through my email. My eyes widened with the picture at the centre.

Looking at the article beneath the picture, I realized that there was another survivor apart from me on the bus that day. And the survivor was no one other than that man who attacked me the other day. I could recognize him clearly for the first time in his hoodie.

Standing a few metres from me, that was when the nurse approached me. There was a slight grin from the corner of his mouth. The other videos ended after he stepped out when he saw the ambulances approaching the scene.

Surprised, my hands unconsciously dropped my phone on the floor. Max quickly picked it up and read through the article. I didn't need to speak much from the video. Staring at the date of the accident, he realized it coincided with the day he saved me.

"Was he in the bus with you?" As I stared at my broken phone, I turned to him with a puzzled look. "Thinking back, there was a hoodied man who came in last. I didn't pay much attention to him then."

He remained silent for a few minutes and tried to format my phone to prevent any loss of information. "It's obvious he doesn't want you dead now. It might be a warning from him with the accident. You might have something he wants."

Nodding quietly, I couldn't help but to feel guilty for all the lives lost on that day because of me. How long would I be able to escape? Would I only be able to escape by sacrificing more lives?

The crevices of his eyebrows furrowed for a moment when a thought popped in his head. "Wait..is your full name Clara Morrison?" My head jerked up when he mentioned my full name. "How do you know my surname?" As he dropped his hands beside him, he twirled to me.

"I once saw a detective handling some documents. It was along the city mall by Beverly Hills. I bumped into him and mistakenly spilled those documents. Your name was included in the content."

Anxiety filled my thoughts at the mention of Beverly Hills. "City Mall? What would he be doing there with information about me?" He shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Probably to hand them over to someone there. You might meet him if you go there," he concluded. Grabbing the snow globe, I walked to the door and turned around after opening the door. "I'll check on that. Thanks for entrusting this to me."

He quickly walked to a table by the window and marched to me at the door. "I can't tell you how I'm related to him, but one thing is for sure. Don't give out any information to him unless you're assure of your safety first." Nodding, I smiled at him and moved out from the door.

Walking along the trees, I got to the main street in no time. It started snowing in no time. As I looked into the sky, snow freckles began to fall from the sky. I walked over quickly and stopped by the city mall. It was a large building situated just a 15 minutes drive from my house.

The glass door opened as a average young woman stepped after pushing it in. She stopped at the counter and started talking to the shop caretaker. I sighed and walked to the door before rolling the glass backwards.

A clink followed after I stepped in. It was dark so not many customers were in the shop. Counting, I guess I found about three other customers with us. I rolled my hoodie down and lowered my head to greet the caretaker after the woman walked further to shop.

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