Chapter 27

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A/N: I am so sorry for this being so late. Like. School has just messed with me so much.

I literally could not find a picture to match this chapter's storyline. So ig here's a meme. AnYwaY.

Do you guys think that Olivia and Harry are a stunt or no? Obviously if you read this book you probably think it is. I just- they've been "dating" for about a month?? publically and it's going so fast. I just don't think they'd be a thing. Though if Harry is happy then we have to be happy for him.


I hope you enjoy the chapter!!


Louis' POV...

I open my eyes slowly. I'm in my bed. I look at my phone and see it's 9 am. It's Saturday.

"Honey? Are you awake?" My mum knocks on my door.

"Yeah mum." I say quietly. I sit up slowly. "Did you need something?"

"Oh no sweetie." She walked in. "It's just you got home late so I didn't know if you were waking up at normal time. You can sleep in if you want."

"It's okay mum." I reassure her. My mum has always been kind. Too kind even. She can take things wrongly. "I got enough sleep. I'll just nap late if I need to."

"Alright darling." She said and smiled. "Your father is downstairs. You and him will be the only ones here in about 30 minutes. I'm spending the day with the girls."

"Okay mum."

"If you need anything, call me." She turns. "And please....please get along. He's trying his best right now."

"I know. I'll try." I say and look at my lap.

"I love you Louis."

"I love you too, Mum."

With that, she leaves the room. I lazily pull my legs over the side of my bed and and stand. I get a little light headed, but it goes away quickly when I start to walk. I grab a new pair of boxers from my dresser and walk into my bathroom. I start to undress myself and turn on my shower. I wait until the water is practically scorching hot to step in. I like the water this way. Do not judge me.

I stand in the shower for a second, letting my thoughts overcome me. I just stare at the wall for a second.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I look at the door. It opens quietly and Harry pops his head in.

"Hi baby." He smiles. "May I come in?"

"Go ahead." I smile at him. Seeing him is the best part of my day so far. He's here for a reason.

"Can I join you?" He asks. "If not I'll sit and talk to you."

"I don't mind." I laugh and watch as he quickly undresses himself. His body is absolutely gorgeous if I'm being totally honest. Who wouldn't want a bite of that? But he's mine so.. only I get to do that.


"How'd you sleep?" He steps into the shower and pulls me in close to him.

"Good. I actually stayed asleep." I looked up at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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