Chapter Twenty

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Louis POV...

So it's been a week.

Harry's dad left.

I'm glad he won't have to deal with his dad's bullshit, but I feel bad. After so much suffering he's still hurt that his dad wasn't trying to get better. Not one bit.

Harry hasn't talked to me since Sunday morning when it happened. I just know that it's broken him into pieces. And now it's Thursday. The day before the dance. The dance I'm attending with Eleanor Calder.

She's a nice girl, yes, but I really wish I could go to be myself. To go with Harry. Which I don't even think he's gotten a "date" yet.

That might be because of me. Just because of the whole Taylor thing that happened at the party. Which I'm okay with him finding a date as long as he tells me with who. And he knows that. Which it isn't his fault that he doesn't. He just chooses not to go with anyone I guess.


I'm headed to my 5th period as I hear a small Irish voice coming from behind me.

"Louis!" A blonde Niall comes running up to me. I stop to let him catch up.

"What's up Nialler?" I smile and look at him as we walk.

"Sooo my schedule changed and we have 5th period together!" He smiled and handed me his schedule.

Turns out. He has from 5th to 8th period with me. So the rest of the day.

"That's cool. We actually share all of our classes from now on." I hand his schedule back to him and his face lights up like Christmas.

"Wait seriously?!" Niall half yells this, knowing he'll get looks if he's too loud. "That's awesome!"

"Yeah. I think I'll enjoy my classes now, knowing you're in them." I look at him and smile.

Of course, over the course of this week, Niall and I have gotten tons closer as friends. Which I'm glad we have. He is so nice and accepting with everything. He's not a judgy person at all. And I'm absolutely in love with his personality and accent.

"Wait." Niall stops and looks at me. Which causes me to stop and look at him. "Doesn't Harry have that class?"

I freeze.

He does. And he sits right right behind me.

"Yeah..." I sigh. "Don't worry Nialler. I'll be alright." I continue walking.

"Okay. Well if you need anything just tell me okay?"

I nod.

We both make it to our 5th period and I sit at my desk. Harry isn't here yet. Niall finds an empty seat directly in front of me. Ironically the only seat available. I'm glad.

I don't look up from my desk until I hear Niall say my name and tap my head.

"He's here." Niall mouths and motions his eyes to the door.

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