Chapter 14

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   One warp jump later, the trio were landing at the Shore again, this time in Soriks' Cut. "Stay here for just a sec, big guy. Gotta make sure none of Spider's goons are around," Poppy said, motioning for Narvuk to stay in the ship. She crept out, rifle at the ready. To her left, Sienna was already taking care of some nearby Cabal. It only took a few moments before the area was clear, but they made sure to scope out the cliffs before signaling Narvuk to come out.

   He stooped to get out, sword in hand. "Thhis is... new. I will be hidden hhere?," he asked, glancing at the caves and craters. Sienna nodded, still looking around through her rifle scope.

"Just don't get seen, you'll be fine," she said over her shoulder. "Spider's likely to sell your location to the Vanguard... or anyone else willing to pay."

   "Luckily," Poppy interrupted, "that rules out the Hive, because let's be honest, they probably don't even understand what Glimmer is." The joke, feeble as it was, broke the dour mood, Narvuk cracking a smile and Sienna letting a quiet chuckle slip. The Hunter stood up and slung her rifle over her shoulder. 

   "Looks like we're clear for now. Let's get you inside the caves, big guy. They run deep enough that you shouldn't be bothered much," Sienna said, pointing at the entrance to the Diaviks Mines. "Only thing you might see is some Cabal, but they haven't been a threat since the Red War ended." Narvuk nodded, and the group started off into the mines.

   Five minutes later, the mine was clear and the trio stood in the room that once served as the Trickster's lair. "Thhis will ddo. It will hhave to." Narvuk surveyed the space, the only decorations the piles of fake Glimmer and engrams. "Could use more sskulls, though." Sienna snorted as Poppy's jaw dropped.

   "You can't be serious--" the Warlock started.

   The Knight chuckled. "Nno, I'm not. Though it could use some redecorating." The trio stood in companionable silence for a few moments, but it was broken when Harrier materialized, shell fidgeting anxiously.

   "Spider for you, Sienna."

   She cursed quietly. "Both of you, stay quiet. He can't know you're here, especially you, big guy," she said in a clipped tone. "Put him through."

   Spider's voice began echoing from Harrier. "Hnn, if it isn't the vengeful spectre. Last I checked, Araskes was six feet under. Why visit her lair?"

   "Meh, I was feelin' sentimental. Anything you need from me, Spider? You're normally not one for social calls," Sienna laughed darkly as Narvuk and Poppy stared. Their friend had changed, her tone and stance wholly different. She took out one of her knives and began flipping it idly Spider continued.

   "As it happens," he growled, "there is a little something. My spies report seeing Hive and Scorn acting... friendly, shall we say, out on the High Plains. When you can, go do what you do best."

   "You always know just how to brighten my day, Baron. They'll be out of business shortly." With that, she cut the feed and turned back to her friends. She stopped, however, when she saw the looks on their faces. "What? Was it something I said?"

   Poppy cleared her throat. "Sienna, we've been friends for a while. But I have... no idea who I was just looking at. I-it's like you just... switched places." Narvuk rumbled his agreement, still looking slightly unnerved. Sienna sighed.

   "Seriously? We just heard about more Scorn-Hive cooperation and you're worrying about how I was just sounding? We can talk about this later. Right now, you and I have to go."

   "Sorry, big guy. Looks like you'll be here a while," Poppy apologized.

   Narvuk waved the girls off. "Ggo. Do what you have to. I'll make myself... comfortablle."

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