Chapter 20

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   Narvuk listened intently as Zivath finished her long-winded explanation. "... and lastly, we've got the Future War Cult. They like to think that a war with the Darkness is inevitable and that we all need to be ready for when it comes. They also have this thing about looking into the future and trying to change it. But recently, they've gained a lot of support because of the Red War. They apparently 'saw it coming', and they fought back. So, any questions?"

   "Quite a few, " Narvuk grumbled. "Must I join one of these ridiculous groups? They all seem... unfocused and undisciplined. How you get anything done is beyond me."

   "Well, in terms of Guardian operations, the Vanguard typically has jurisdiction, but we all do favors for the factions sometimes. Helps your image as a team player, y'know?"

   Narvuk grunted noncommittally and sat up, using his sword like a cane. "You didn't answer my question, little shell. Do I have to join these ffactions?"

   Before Zivath could answer, a new voice came from the entrance. "There are other options, big man. Options outside the Tower." Narvuk's head shot up and Zivath whipped around to see the unwelcome visitor. Leaning on the cave entrance was a small figure in what looked like a scavenger's suit. "Some of us choose to do what we want, not what others want for us." The figure pushed off the cave wall and walked down to sit next to Narvuk, the size difference almost laughable. "You should do what's best for you, not what everyone else tells you is best."

   "Why should I llisten to one who hides their face?," Narvuk challenged. "Show yourself or leave." The figure reached up and pushed back its hood, then undid the clasps on its helmet. 

   The first thing the Knight saw was short brown hair, curly from the sweat on their face. When they looked up, Narvuk felt for a moment as if he could just fly away. The feeling passed and he returned to studying the newcomer's face. It was a kind face, and the eyes spoke of softness, but not without steel. "Better?"

   "Better," Narvuk grumbled. "Though I still ddon't know why you're here."

   "Because you sounded like you needed help. I don't need any other reason. What's wrong?"

   Narvuk sighed. "Life has changed... so much in so short a time. I am lost, and everyone is trying to help me be found. But I cannot... the way forward is dark, and I am stumbling in it."

   "I don't mean to interrupt, but who are you?," Zivath interrupted.

   "Call me Zero," the stranger smiled. "It's okay, I get it, you don't trust me. But just listen to some advice, please? I'm only trying to help."

   "Fine," grumbled the Ghost.

   "Look, I'm not gonna say I know or understand what's going on, but I know change in life. You've just gotta learn to deal with the changes. You have anyone you can talk to? Anyone you trust?," Zero asked, folding their arms.

   "Nnot sure. I have Eris, but she is... she is too close to who I was. My friends are set in their ways, and I do not feel that 'their ways' match who I want to be now. To be restricted is not my way. I hhad a degree of freedom in my old life. Now, it is hierarchy and rreports, and I do not belong."

   Zero reached out their hand, palm up as if begging, and looked up to Narvuk. "Hand?" Confusion flashed in the Knight's eyes before it was replaced by understanding, and his massive rock-like hand wrapped around Zero's. "If the people you have aren't helping, find someone who can. It doesn't have to be me, but you should have someone who'll be there to listen and help," Zero said,  a reassuring tone in their voice. "Okay?"

   "Of ccourse. Thank you... friend."

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