Awkward Reunion

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The screen started to flicker then turned on to show...

Klaus on the porch of a house. Kol is heard off screen. "What's the hold up?" It then shows Kol and Freya walking up to Rebekah, Elijah, anf Klaus. "We rescued Nik, escaped mortal danger. Why are we not on a private jet on the way to Santra Pe." Kol takes a newspaper from Elijah and folds it up. "You can catch up on the last fuve years after our leave. I assure you, you haven't missed much." "Cirumstances have changed, we will leave her soon enough." The camera turns to Rebekah. "We have a neice to consider."

"Hey Hope! They're talking about you!" MG cheered like a fanboy watching his favorite movie. Everyone facepalmed.

Freya then starts talking. "Kol is right. We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible." Freya is now by Klaus. Klaus turns around to face everyone. "We're not going anywhere today i want am least one peaceful day with my daughter before we uproot her."

" if it wasn't for the hollow we would of ended up somewhere completely diffrent?" Hope asked her family. "Yeah basically." Kol answered.

"Any delay is a risk" Freya looked at Klaus. Klaus straightened up. "One day." Klaus and Freya are now staring at each other. "Is all I'm asking for. The house is cloaked, we weren't followed. And I'm not asking." The door opens to reveal Hope and Hayley. "Guys look who is awake." Everyone is silent.

"This is the most awkward meeting I've ever watched and I've seen some awkward ones." Lizzie teased. "Lizzie don't tease them. This is the first time they ever met with her being able to talk and remember." Josie scolded her sister.

"Hello?" Klaus steps forward. "Hello." Awkward silence starts again. Hope looks at Hayley. "Mom can I go play in the garden?" Hayley looks at Hope. "Yeah. Go on." Klaus looks at Hayley then glares. Hayley looks at him. Then the screen cuts.

"Dad. It wasn't mom's fault. I just liked the garden and it was kinda awkward meeting my dad who I only heard stories about." Hope explained. "Its true that younger witches do tend to spend most of their time in gardens." Freya explained. "That was more awkward watching it again then experiencing it in person." Kol said earning a laugh from everyone.


I wrote this one mainly on memory. So if anything is wrong or if I'm missing something I'm sorry. This was one of my favrite scenes in the season. Hope you enjoyed.

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