the blue light

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Every one looked at the screen as it lit up.

"That man, Vincent, mom said he is a witch. That he came to help me feel better, but I feel worse." "I know. I know. But don't worry because as we speak your mother and your Uncle Elijah are working with Vincent to fix you up, so you just stay calm and they'll everything all right." Klaus told Hope.

"Wow. No wonder she closed her self off after she came back from suspicion." Lizzie said looking down. "Wait! Suspicion!?" Landon asked. "Yeah...not my finest moment." Hope said looking down. "Hey. No. Don't you dare starting feeling guilty. You may have turned him but you didn't kill him." Hayley told her. "Wait what!?" Raf asked in alarm. "My blood doesn't just heal werewolf can also turn people...I'm part vampire remember." Alaric looked at her with calculating eyes.

"Do you know what it is? The hollow?" Hope asked Klaus. "No. Sweetheart. I don't." "It wants those other kids. I can feel them. I think it wants me too." Klaus looked scared. "I am not going to let anything take you. I am going to keep you safe. Always and Forever."

"Always and Forever." Hope repeated. Everyone on the Mikaelson side of the room smiled. "Yes. Always and Forever, my littlest wolf." Hope smiled brightly at the nickname. Everyone that met Hope after her father's death was amazed at how brightly Hope smiled in that moment.

Klaus is sitting next to Hope. He starts to softly talk. "I know you can hear me. I want you to listen. The heart which beats in your chest is a warriors heart. The heart of a Mikaelson. Whatever hold this power has over you, it is nothing compared to your strength. Yours is a power greater than you know. Come on, Hope." Hope reacts to his words before responding. "Dad I saw them. The other kids. They're so scared. Promise me if you ever see the blue lights, don't look at them."

"Wow. A warriors heart. That defenfintly fits Hope." Kaleb said. "Well her family are vikings." Alaric pointed out. "Wait what?!" Landon asked. "Yeah. We are the first settlers of Mystic Falls. They is actually a cave we carved our names in." Rebeka told them. "Wow, I am friends with a real life Viking." MG awed. Hope laughed and shook her head.

"Hope?" Freya asked. "We're not cold anymore."

"That's creepy." Kaleb said. "That's weird." MG finished. Kaleb and MG fist pumped.

Hope is dreaming walking through the compound. She walks in front of a mirror, the mirror cracks and the Hollow's sigil is shown in the cracks. Hope finds Klaus, as he turns toward Hope his eyes glow bright blue. The color of the Hollow. Hope screams and wakes up from her dream.
"No, no, no. It's here. The Hollow, it's here."

"Hope. You never told us about this.". Hayley said. "I was nine and scared. You couldn't have expected me to tell you everything." Hope said. Everyone nodded in understanding.

Klaus is shown looking in a mirror. "Dad? We're ready to go. Aren't you coming?" Klaus doesn't respond instead turns to Elijah.

"That's creepy especially considering her dream before that." Landon whispered.

"Grandma Mary!" Hope greeted at the door. "Well hello sweetheart. Oh my girl. Oh." Mary responded. "I picked you some flowers." Hope told her. "Honey darling. Why don't you run inside. I need to talk to your mama."

" is she your Grandma again?" Raf asked. "She was my step dad's mom." Hope told him. "Oh..Okay..."


I know i haven't posted in awhile. I have had to switch from video to script so it took a bit. Hope this makes it's easier to do longer chapters. This chapter has like 3 episodes worth of Hope scenes on 1.

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