part the v: they stripped me of your touch

37 1 2

But not fast enough

Because I still saw 

As you lay there



In your lack of blood

Your eyes

Your big beautiful koala eyes

Flickered to him

Frigging fudgerooni flamberghasting him 

Even as I was the one full of you

Even as I legitimately K I L L E D you 

Even then

You still 





Note: Buster Moon would die two minutes and thirty-six seconds later, despite the doctors' best attempts at emptying the blood within the Moderna vaccine back into him, even trying to make it re-enter his system via his ear when all else failed. The surgeons would later describe the moment as "absolutely heart-breaking" while at the same time also seeming to be straight out of "a psychedelic acting out of a bird-mom-throwing-up-into-baby-bird's-beak on a nature documentary." 

The Pfizer vaccine was later arrested for attempted wooden-staking of the Moderna vaccine. He was sentenced to life without parole. 

Even in the Moderna vaccine's eternal fog of sadness, he can be found visiting Pfizer's prison cell, switching intermittently between gloating, sobbing, and trying to dismember his own needle.  

LOST IN THE DARKNESS OF YOUR ARM MEAT Buster Moon x Vaccine: Lovers' LullabyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα