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when they reached the studio, the girls slowly walked in, jade behind julie as she held the cross out like a shield. it didn't seem like anyone was there.

"are you still here?" jade asks hesitantly. "whatever you are?" she adds slowly.

the girls continued looking around for a moment, though nothing happened.

"i know we saw something, we're not crazy!" julie huffs, dropping her arms to her side.

"well we're all a little crazy." a voice spoke behind them, making the girls jump and spin towards them, screaming again from seeing the same three boys.

"oh my- please stop screaming!" the blond boys says quickly, all the boys coving their ears.

both girls shut their mouths, but their eyes were wide as the watched the boys carefully.

"who are you and what are you doing in our moms studio?" julie demands, jade nodding while hiding behind her and the cross slightly. even though she wasn't technically their daughter, ray and rose were jade's parents and they always wanted her to feel like a real part of their family. she'd been calling them mom and dad for as long as she could remember.

"your moms studio?" the hazel eyed boy questions. "this is our studio! okay, trust me." he says, walking towards them. julie held out the cross and he back away slightly, circling around them. "fine! the grand piano is new," he slides across the top, noticing the sofa across the room. "a-and-and my couch!" he shouts, excited jumping onto the furniture.

he sat up slightly and finally looked around the room, noticing all the changes that had been made.

"but that is definitely not my six string." he continues to look around, the confusion growing on his face. "can you give me just one second-" he hops over the table and julie pushes the cross in his direction. jade pulls her back slightly. as much as she was freaked out, she could tell these boys were just as stressed and she felt slightly bad for them. "just give me a second, thank you."

the boys turned around to have a conversation among the three of them and julie and jade looked to each other nervously.

"are we going crazy?" jade whispers to her quickly, keeping her eyes on the boys. she was partly watching them because she was scared, but she also couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from the boy with the bright blue eyes and shaggy brown hair.

"i hope not." julie whispers back, just before the boys spin back to face them and the blond one takes a small step towards the girls.

"why are you in our studio?" he asks loudly, making jade look at him in confusion.

julie quickly stuck her arm out, pushing the cross through his chest and making the girls eyes widen.

"oh my gosh! how did you do that?" jade asks quickly.

"clearly you're not understanding-" he starts turning back to his friends. "clearly they don't get it." he says and the other two nod. "okay look, we're ghosts, all right? we're just three ghosts and we're really happy to be home so thank you for the flowers, they really, brighten up the room." he explains, though both girls were still extremely confused.

"we're actually in a band called sunset curve." the bright eyed boy steps forward, and jade had the fight off a smile that wanted to form on her face because of his smile.

"tell your friends!" the leather clad ghost finally speaks up.

"last night was supposed to be a really big night for us, it was gonna change our lives." he speaks again.

"i'm, uh, i'm pretty sure it did." the blond whispers to him.

"this is freaking me out." jade says quickly, reaching into her pocket for her phone. julie continued to hold the cross out to the boys.

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