Chapter 6 (Pic of Lily)

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OMG guys! So sorry! It's been such a long time since I updated this book and I just realized it, you guys probably have given up already but hopefully this chapter will make up for it! Please give my story another chance, I'm sure you'll love it and love this chapter!

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Thanks again so much guys! Enjoy!


Chapter 6

Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?

- Henry Finck


Hadrian looked at the girl sitting in front of him. He couldn't believe she had played his emotions so well, as well as if she were playing the pianoforte. Rather, he couldn't believe  how he let his emotions take control over the situation.

"Lord Vale, please, it would be disastrous for me to be with you in here without a chaperone!" Lady Hemmingway pleaded. Hadrian shoved his temper deep inside him.

"You should have thought of that when you so shamelessly greeted the young lord earlier." Hadrian replied coolly.

"My lord, I assure you, there was a chaperone present, Leia was there, even still we were outside where, if they wanted to, the public could listen and intervene." Rhea implied.

"I did not see one." Hadrian gritted out, he looked at the girl that had been occupying his thoughts ever since their little meeting at his mansion.

He wanted her with a passion that surprised him. He found himself wondering what life would be like with her as his wife, by his side, bearing his children . . .

And wouldn't there be children? But there was never enthusiasm to looking onto the wedding night . . . so why was he dreaming about her, thinking about how she would be with him? How they would be together?

Christ, he needed her. In the little while that he had been with her he knew she was the one to be his wife. He had no doubt about it. Their very first encounter had already taken care of the relationship between them.

But, for the first in Hadrian's reckless life, he found himself enjoying her company, the way she would softly insult him, or get so frustrated her cheeks would flush and she'd bite her lip from saying something to him, the way her eyes would widen so innocently . . .

Dammit, there was no way to get her out of his system. He knew that already. He'd have to tamper it before it controlled his every ability.


"Cassie was in the carriage not a far look from the site, Your Grace." Rhea reigned in her frustration with the young lord. But, goodness, wasn't he handsome this morn?

The way his hair fell carelessly over his brooding eyes and the way he stared at her so intensely. It took Rhea's breath away. What could he ever be thinking about?

She regarded him as he sat on the seat opposite of her. How could such a good-looking man be so rude and inconsiderate? But that somehow brought on his allure.

"I could not see her." Hadrian implied again. "Perhaps, my lady, T'would be best if you had her very close by, don't you think?" he softly suggested.

Rhea found her gaze straying toward his lips. Dear god, they were beautiful. He was the image of Adonis, perhaps even more beautiful.

They were so beautifully made, the outline of his lips. They were plump, but not an abomination. It brought out his rough features, softening them. Rhea found herself imagining him kissing her with those lips, outlining them herself . . .

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