Chapter 16 (Pic of Devin)

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update and short chapter; I just really felt bad about my writers block and decided to wing it, it's probably my worst piece yet and I'm sorry about it but I didn't want you guys going another day without an Update . . . also, If you guys are not my fans I'm sure you haven't heard the news about my new book - Tainted Love! I'm probably be posting the first chapter tonight or tomorrow, but nonetheless it would really be great if you check it out and see if you like it!! I'd really appreciate that!

But, enough of me talking! I'm going to let ya'll read now, don't forget to Vote, Comment and Update if you haven't!



Chapter 16

"'Tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems."

- William Shakespeare


Rhea gazed at the place she had now called as home after the month her and Hadrian had dwelled here. She hated to leave the country; it was peaceful and beautiful. She did not feel pressured here as she did in the presence of the ton in London.

She sighed.

She should be happy to be able to go, though. Now, she and Hadrian would officially begin their life together as man and wife. She felt a thrill shoot down her spine.

Last night, Hadrian had retired late; being kept up from business matters, and tenderly awakened her and then made love to her. Her cheeks flamed at the memory. He had been gentle and loving; she could almost fool herself into thinking that he really and truly loved her.

She was brought back to the present when a hand encircled her waist. She jumped and heard a low chuckle emanate behind her. She glanced up into Hadrian eyes; a dark abyss.

"You frightened me," she flushed; she was so easily intimidated, especially when Hadrian was around. He had created this routine feeling in her stomach.

"My apologies, my lady, I did not mean to do so." He gave her a slight smirk. She nodded and looked back towards the country manor.

They would be in London no longer than a few mere hours. She frowned, wanting to run back inside and stay there forever with Hadrian by her side.

"I will miss it, too." Hadrian murmured in her ear; his hot breath blowing on her. She held in the shiver that he created. She looked at him and frowned.

"I don't want to go." She said. She watched as Hadrian brushed her cheek with his hand. His fingers trailed down to her lips, brushing her bottom lip. Rhea's mouth was dry, these feelings Hadrian seemed to elicit were still shocking.

She would somehow have to find a way to deal with it, seeing that she was now with him forever. She reached up and held his hand in hers; she was admittedly shocked by the bold move but, nonetheless, held it tightly.

"We'll visit again?" she asked softly. Hadrian's expression went from being soft to surprise; he was also taken aback by her boldness.

"Yes, we will," He nodded. "Rhea I . . ."

"My lord?" Hadrian snapped toward the intruder, Clarke; who calmly gazed at him.


"Your presence is needed in the manor," Clarke informed. He glanced briefly at Rhea and then back at Hadrian as he nodded and gave a quick kiss to her forehead.

"Wait in the carriage; I'll only be a few moments. We'll leave after this, I promise."

Rhea gave him a small smile. "I assure you, my lord, I am in no hurry to leave."

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