Chapter 10 - Charles

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"You will fight until one of you perishes."

As soon as she said it, Diana swung her arm towards me. Her fist landed square on my jaw, making me stagger.

"No!" Nicole shouted.

She advanced once more and swung her arm but I stepped aside to dodge it.

"Diana. . . Please don't do this." I slowly backed up, raising my hands in surrender. "I don't want to hurt you."

Diana threw another punch, and I put my arms in front of me to shield myself. I winced as her fists made contact with my arms. A few blows later, she aimed at my stomach. I grunted and stepped further back.

"Diana. . . Stop. . ."

She stepped on my foot, crushing my toes. I moaned in pain.

"Charles, defend yourself!" Michael yelled. "Don't let her beat you to death!"

I looked behind me, shaking my head. "No, I don't want to risk hurting her."

Before I could even turn back around, a powerful punch collided my cheek, sending me tumbling down the floor. I tasted a metallic liquid flowing out of my mouth, and I realized that it was blood.

"Diana, please stop. Resist the control. . ." Nicole choked down a sob. "I don't want to see my friends fighting anymore. . ."

"This is boring me." I saw the alien queen glance idly at her long claws. "If you are not going to fight her, then it's about time we end this. Diana."

Diana promptly paused, staring at me with lifeless eyes. "Yes, my queen?"

The queen smirked at me. "Finish him."

"No! Diana, don't do it!" Nicole cried. "No, please. . . I-I can't bear to watch. . ."

Diana reached out behind her back and produced a knife. She gave it a side glance before pointing it at me.

"You're going to die," she said with venom.

No. There must be a way to stop this without anyone getting hurt.

I took a deep breath and stood up firmly. "Diana, please, you have to listen to me. I know that you're in there somewhere."

Diana continued walking slowly with the weapon at hand. Her expression remained apathetic.

"Somewhere, there's still the Diana that we know and love," I continued, my lips quivering. "The Diana who's very hardworking, the one who likes cracking up jokes and puts her friends first before anything else. We need that Diana back. The old Diana."

For a split second, her grip on the knife loosened, but she still kept marching forward.

"You have to fight it, Diana," I said. "Fight it. Fight the constraint that's holding you back."

She was several steps near me. It was now or never.

"Because if you're gone for good, I. . . " I sighed, closing my eyes. "I can't imagine a life without you by my side."

I heard something clattering on the floor. I blinked my eyes open and saw the knife down the floor. Diana was on her knees while holding the side of her neck. Sobbing in pain, she looked at me with glossy blue eyes.

S-she's back! I can't believe it!

"Charles. . . I'm sorry," she said.

Sliding the knife away, I knelt beside her and held her free hand. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here, you're fine."

Tears streamed down her face. "I-I can't hold for much longer. She's too strong. . ."

I took her other hand and helped her stand up. "You can fight it. I believe you can."

"But I-"

Before she could even continue, I pulled her body against me and our lips met. The kiss lasted for a few beats but it almost felt like an eternity.

We parted and gazed deeply at each other's eyes, the moment lingering like goosebumps.

"Charles, we shou-" Her eyes widened. "Watch out!"

She pushed me away and I fell on my back. Everything turned slow as I saw talons pierce through Diana's chest. Blood splattered everywhere as the queen swiftly withdrew her now red hand. With a frozen expression, Diana crumpled to the floor, a pool of blood forming around her.

The wicked alien stared at me in disappointment. "Look at what you made me do, human. I have created a mess."

No. No!

"Diana! NO!" I heard Nicole scream behind me, then some grunting came after. "No! Let me go to her!"

"Nic. . ." Michael's voice trailed off, and I began to hear small sobs coming from him.

I scrambled to her side and cradled her cold body. As she stared at me with her dimming azure eyes, she slowly lifted her hand towards my face.

"Charles. . ."

"Why did you do that?" I took her hand. "Why did you push me away? I-It should've been me!"

"It's because I. . ." She smiled weakly. "I love you. . ."

Closing my eyes, I pressed my forehead against hers. "I love you too."

I heard her gasp, and her arm went limp beside me. I opened my eyes to see her blank ones gaze behind me. I held her close as salty tears began to blur my vision.

"No no no. . . Diana. . ." I whispered, my tone shaky. "Why. . ."

I should've been the one to take the hit, not her. It's my fault she's dead. I couldn't protect her when she needed me.

I broke my promise.

"Well, well," a voice said above me. "What a scene you did here."

I looked up and saw the murderer sneer as she held something with her fingers.

"I. Hate. You," I spat, glaring at her.

"Why? It was not my fault she died." She mocked a pout, then grinned wickedly. "But don't worry, human. . ."

She brought the object she was holding closer to me. I wiped a tear and saw the thing moving.

". . . This will make you forget."

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