Twenty Years Later

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An explosion echoes from the distance, sending a shockwave nearby, and you huddle for cover under the rubble of what used to be your home. Gunshots and battle cries follow. The latter often only comes from one side of the battlefield.

The Terra Annexation Movement began a long time ago, even before you were born. It came out of nowhere, but somehow TAM grew in numbers across the globe, and no one noticed until it was too late. Soon, half of the world toppled under TAM and were replaced by puppet leaders. REGENT, the taskforce specifically formed to counter TAM, is barely keeping the rest of the world from succumbing under TAM's control.

Because of it all, your family is dead, and you're barely holding on. You live every single day like it's your last, but you don't care. You have to survive. You have to keep your promise. You have to avenge their deaths, whatever it takes.

The Queen has to die.

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