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the next morning, i woke up and remembered that today was the day of the class trip! i quickly got out of bed as i was excited for the trip. i got ready as quickly as i possibly could, putting on my uniform at a fast pace. i made sure that i had all my belongings ready and headed to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. i made a simple, small breakfast and quickly ate it so i can hurry up and get to school. after finishing my breakfast and my usual routine, i decided to head to saiki's place so we could walk to school together.

"good morning, saiki!" i greeted him as he walked out of his house. "good morning." he greeted back. "are you ready for the trip?" i said, making small talk. why the hell am i so nervous?  i thought to myself, trying to snap out of this weird feeling. "yes, i am ready. are you?" he asked me as we started walking to school. "yes, i'm excited too! you don't seem very excited though." i pointed out. "i am." he said, not even trying to seem like it. "well, i promise you that it'll be fun!" i said enthusiastically.

once we arrived at school, there were several buses at the front. the atmosphere was really nice with everyone excited about the trip. everyone was carrying their luggage and talking to others about their plans for what to do once they got to okinawa. i met with the rest of my group and i showed them all the snacks that i brought. "wow y/n! that's a lot of snacks!!" kaidou exclaimed. "i know right! do you want some?" i said, offering him a bag of chips. "thanks, y/n!" the boy thanked me. "i brought enough for the whole group! take some!" i said, happily giving each of my friends a snack. they all thanked me and i told them that it wasn't that big of a deal. i then turned to saiki. "i have coffee jelly for you!" i handed him a 3 pack of his favorite desert. he looked at me in awe. "thank you." he said, holding the coffee jelly close to him, almost as if he was protecting it. i giggled at his actions. "what? why are you laughing?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "nothing. you just look so cute holding your coffee jelly." i giggled.

the psychic could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

it was finally time to leave the school. all the students boarded the train for the airport. at this point, the feeling of excitement was starting to settle in and everyone was starting to process that they were going on a class trip. everyone was restless. all, except for the pink haired psychic. "yes, i know you can get to okinawa in three minutes, but have you ever gone with friends? it's much more fun when you're surrounded by the people you love!" a certain h/c haired girl argued with saiki through telepathy. "i would rather stay home by myself." he argued back. "you don't ever get lonely?" i asked in disbelief. "no." he said, getting angry that no one understands the fact that he just wants to be alone sometimes. "whatever you say." i said, pulling out a bag of chips.

we finally arrived at the airport, but everyone was extremely disappointed to find out that the flight was delayed due to a hurricane. i've never seen someone's mood plummet this fast before. i thought to myself. "saiki, what do we do?" i asked the psychic. "i'll stop the hurricane, stay here." he said, leaving his seat. "wait! i wanna come." i said eagerly. "no, it's okay. i'll be fine on my own." he declined. "fine. whatever you say." i said, sitting back down in my seat.

i was waiting patiently for saiki to get back when i noticed people were gathering around a tv. "look! the hurricane is gone!!" someone yelled out of excitement. but where's saiki? i wondered, looking around for the pink haired boy. my eyes lit up when i saw him coming from the direction of the boys' bathroom. "good job!" i said, praising him for stopping a literal hurricane. "now we can finally go on the trip!" i said excitedly.

all the students boarded the train for okinawa. "let's sit together again on the plane!" i said to saiki. "as long as i don't have to sit next to teruhashi." he said following me. "don't be mean." i frowned at him. "i want window seat!!!" i yelled at him before he could steal the spot for himself. "fine." he said sitting to the right of me as the window was to my left. once all the students were seated, the plane left the ground. we ascended higher and higher into the sky and i looked out of the window in awe. "the clouds are so pretty!" i said excitedly. "they're just clouds." saiki said, unamused. "whatever." i rolled my eyes at him. "i'm tired, i'm gonna take a nap. make sure nothing bad happens." the psychic alerted me.

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