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your pov:
"our trip is almost over, right? it sure went by quick." nendou said. "it was only two nights and three days." kaidou said before yawning. "did you not get enough sleep?" i asked him. "no, someone was snoring a little too loudly." he answered before glaring at nendou. "you're one to talk! you were talking in your sleep!" nendou argued. "relax, guys. you can rest on the airplane." i told them in hopes that it would stop them from arguing. "you're right!" kaidou said as he yawned again. "i'm guessing you didn't get much sleep either." i said to saiki. "nope. i had to sleep through both kaidou's sleep talking and nendou's snoring." the sleepy psychic complained. "i know what will cheer you up!" i suggested. "what is it?" he asked. "i heard that there's a shop that sells really good coffee jelly somewhere." i said, trying to remember the details. "i remember reading about it in a pamphlet before coming here." the coffee jelly lover said, skimming our surroundings, most likely trying to find the shop that sold the delicious dessert. "you're searching for this shop like your life is depending on it. you must really want that coffee jelly." i teased, watching him stare intensely at each shop we passed by. "maybe i'll use my clairvoyance." saiki said, ignoring my comment, too focused on finding the shop. he crossed his eyes and the sight of him making the ridiculous face made me laugh. he stopped to look at me. "what?" he asked. "i'm sorry, it's just the way you look while crossing your eyes makes me laugh!" i started to laugh more. he dropped his serious act and started to laugh with me. "if you love coffee jelly so much, why not just marry it?" i joked. "don't you think that if i could, i would've by now?" he joked as well. i love the fact that he's starting to match my energy. i'm seeing a whole new side of saiki that i've never seen before. what is this emotion that i'm feeling right now?

while we were joking around, we came across a shop with a flyer on the front. "bingo." i opened the door for the coffee jelly lover and he thanked me before walking in. i entered the shop right after him and was surprised to see the rest of our friends gathered at a table, enjoying some delicious looking coffee jelly. the look of shock and disappointment was evident on saiki's face. "hey pal! where did you go earlier? we were looking for you." nendou said, waving at us. saiki ignored his question and sat down with the group. i sat down next to him. i felt bad for him because this was the one part of the trip that he was actually looking forward to. i gave him an apologetic look and pat him on the back in attempt to make him feel better. he sat quietly, watching the rest of them eat, until they all started offering their coffee jelly to him. i watched as his eyes lit up and the disappointment visible on his face earlier had disappeared. he quickly took a bite of his favorite dessert and savored it with an adorable look on his face. the coffee jelly definitely lived up to the psychic's expectations because he looked like he was in heaven, well a coffee jelly heaven. he looked like he was satisfied and the sight of it made me happy.

after saiki finished his coffee jelly, it was time for all of us to go home. kaidou and nendou rested on the airplane like i suggested. i sat with saiki again and we argued about whether it's better to be alone or hang out with friends. i got the last word in the argument, obviously. once we were all back from the trip, we all returned to our homes. i laid down in bed and looked back at everything that happened between saiki and i. i didn't realize that i had started blushing until i felt my face. my face was hot and it just made me feel even more flustered. why do i keep feeling like this whenever i think about him? i like him, don't i? there's no denying it anymore...

"i like her, don't i?" a certain psychic thought to himself. while i was deep in thought, saiki was realizing his feelings as well.

author's note:
here's the chapter i promised y'all. it's a little short because i was busy yesterday and i'm in class right now... anyway, saiki and y/n finally admitted that they have feelings for each other!! now they just need to confess lol

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