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September 9; 7:03am

He had to be doing it on purpose. No one ate fruit like that. Maybe he just really liked oranges. She was going to make him eat them behind a tree or something from here on out.

She watched the slice slide across his bottom lip before slipping into his mouth, his teeth raking over his lip to pull the moisture off. He chewed, his hand paused in front of his face as he looked at a drop of juice sliding down the back of his thumb. Hermione narrowed her eyes as he swallowed, the tip of his tongue pressing into his skin as he licked his way up the wet trail. She felt the phantom brush of it across her neck, and her eyes snapped up to his.

She cleared her throat when she found him looking back at her, returning her attention to the pear in her hand.

September 10; 12:12pm

Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked down the three meter drop into the sea. She tugged on the vine in her hand, trying to determine distance and speed, and backed up. She hadn't done this since she went to her aunt's lake house in her summer of thirteen, but it was the only sort of flying she ever really liked.

She pulled the vine tight and wrapped her hands around it, running to the edge of the rock shore. She jumped on a laugh, clinging to the vine as she swung out high over the water, her stomach shooting up as she lost a sense of a gravity for a split second. It felt like she were going to keep flying up, get caught in the sky forever, and that's when she released the vine. She flew back for a second with the momentum of her weight and then dropped, kicking her feet and spinning her arms, before crashing into the water.

She had landed where it wasn't very deep, but it was deep enough that when her feet touched the bottom of the sea, they landed gently, and she shoved herself up to the surface. She emerged with a grin, laughing at herself as she shoved her hair back. She turned for the sandy shore next to the rocks she had jumped from, and saw Malfoy standing up in the water to his bare waist, glowering at her.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she swam back. "Did I somehow splash you? Get your hair wet when--"

"You scared my fish."

"You scare your fish." She laughed at him. "I'm not the one hovering over them with a dagger."

"I'm aware of your uselessness. But, please, jump off a cliff." He motioned towards the rocks.

"Since you asked nicely..."

He turned his head to scowl at her some more, so she shoved a splash of water at him. He stood completely still as it hit him in the face, the water dropping to reveal his closed eyes, and his hair pasted to his head. He pushed water out of his mouth, and opened his eyes at the sound of her laughter. He bent down, pushing his arm into the water, and his hand came up without the dagger.

"Oops. I hope it didn't scare your--" She got a mouthful of water when he sent a large wave at her head, and she went to spit it out only to get another. "Mal--"

She gurgled the rest of his name, shutting her eyes and raising her arm against the constant splashes in her face. She splashed back but she couldn't even see where he was through the water flying at her, and she yelled in frustration.


She didn't hear the rest of his sentence as she dove under, swimming quickly towards his legs. She knew he would be able to see her through the crystal water, but she just had to pull harder. She could hear his splashes die out on the surface, and his hands closed over her shoulders as hers did around his ankles. She wrenched his feet out from under him before he could pull her up, tugging his legs to either side of her as he sunk down. She pushed up, surfacing, and only got a brief glance at his face as her hands slammed into his shoulders.

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