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October 2; 3:02pm

She didn't think they had talked a lot. She didn't think she had come to rely on his company. She didn't think they were that friendly, had that many conversations, or that she had come to enjoy his presence that much. Not until she didn't anymore. Not until they were so silent that her voice was probably fading away from disuse.

She somehow felt like she was...missing him. Even with him right there. She must have been a masochist. She should not be treated badly half the time and still feel like this. Her father was not a screamer, did not knock her down, or anger easily - there should have been no subconscious pull leading her back to Malfoy. Nothing that made her think maybe she shouldn't be so angry over a kiss with ulterior motives and a lack of reasoning.

October 3; 1:11am

She woke to pain in her shoulder and something thudding on the other side of her. She only pushed up, locking her elbows, when Malfoy grabbed her arm and wrenched her forward. She yelled out, her knees scraping across the ground as her face grew tight with anger. It took a second for the sound to penetrate the fog of her sleepy head - the rising volume of a long thunder barreling towards them.

"Run," he breathed, hauling her to her feet as she grabbed the sheet with her free hand.

She went to look for her bag but he jerked her wobbly feet forward as he ran, and she saw it hitting off his over his shoulder. His hand slipped into hers as she went with him, not knowing if they could defeat whatever animal was making so much noise, even with two people who had knives. They ran through the darkness, hitting off things and tripping, but just kept going. Panting, sweating, and bruised, still clutching the other's hand.

October 4; 8:20pm

She folded her arms over her raised knees, looking at him. He was trying to ignore her, but she could tell that he noticed by the way he went from calm and blank to angry. It wasn't an easy anger to see, but it was in the way his jaw would clench periodically and the way his eye started twitching.

He swung his eyes up to hers finally, glaring at her. She narrowed her eyes to glare harder, and he sneered. She did it right back to him, but raised her lip until she looked like she had the Elvis lip pull going on as she mocked his look. By the angle of his eyebrows and the lift of his nose she knew he was clearly thinking she was an idiot.

She tapped her fingers on her knees when he looked like he was thinking of violent things. She wasn't surprised when this seemed to relax him a bit, but her continued staring pushed him back to anger in less than three seconds. He reached into his bag, pulling out the binoculars, and slid them halfway towards her. He stared back at her when she started glaring at him again. He knew she would like to read right now until her tiredness fully caught up to her, and he also knew it would stop her staring. But then he put them in a place where she would have to get up to get them, which was more like losing.

He lowered his eyes back to the dagger, and it only took less than a minute of his ignorance for her to huff her way over to the binoculars. She shot his smirk a very evil look.

October 5; 2:02pm

She didn't know if she should feel offended when she followed the line of his eyes. It wasn't like she had never stared at Malfoy's chest before, among other things. She also still felt a little guilty about certain imaginings in an event that never happened, so being uncomfortable now might be payment. However, it made her feel exposed, and she also didn't think it was very civil of him to be staring at her breasts. Especially with that look on his face. Oranges, but darker, and her breath caught a little before she looked down at her sheet, making sure it was secure and nothing was showing. She turned her back towards him with a lot of quick blinking and a humph, sending him a glare over her shoulder, though he still wasn't meeting her eyes. She was stuck between going back into the trees and away from the river, or throwing a rock at him.

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