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Natasha was struggling to wake up. Steve was softly nudging her shoulder, telling her there were about to land. The entire ride to airport, getting off the bus and on the plane, the flight, it was all a blur to her.

On the other hand, Steve was struggling to get her conscious and was wondering if he should be worried about her. The ride to airport had been fine. Getting her off the bus and on the plane in his embrace was a bit of a struggle, given that he had to get off the bus, take care of their luggage and then take Natasha off the bus. Clint had offered to help but considering that his family was there with them, he'd told him he had things under control. And to no one's surprise, the rest of them had been to grumpy to even notice. 

As for the plane, he had to get on board and place Nat on her seat, then walk to get their luggage. Since it was a duffel bag and a carry on, they were just gonna take them on the flight. Fury had gotten them the first class lounge and everyone was very pleased with that. The only problem was that because they were the only people there, there was no rule for them to behave themselves. Wanda had been arguing with Sam, Maria and Tony had been fighting over music, when Tony wanted music and Maria wanted to sleep in peace. 

Then Tony had started fighting Sam over food. All the while, Pepper had put on relaxing music on her iPod, plugged in her headphones and was resting her head on the seats with a face mask applied, trying her best to rest before having to start her so called "vacation" with the avengers, not to mention Tony, who she knew would eventually freak out over his stake being to rare or napkins that didn't match the table clothing.

 The Bartons were fine. Lila was a heavy sleeper giving Laura and Clint time to cuddle while Cooper watched cartoons. Vision had been talking to Wanda while she wasn't busy arguing with Sam. 

Steve had been almost silent the entire time, except for when they were served lunch and he had tried to wake Natasha and get her to eat, which he succeeded but then she fell back to her slumber. He doubted she would even remember eating.

"Nat, come on, we're here."

She slowly opened her eyes, looking at Steve who was leaning over her and gently shaking her shoulder.

 "Come on, we've gotta get off." She hesitantly tried to seat up as she saw everyone else already up. Sam approached Steve "hey man, could use some help?" Steve looked at him with narrowed eyes "I could have used some help all day!" Both of them laughed while Natasha whined "Hey! I'm not that bad!". "I was just tired and sleepy before, didn't notice your situation." Steve smiled and patted him on his shoulder "it's ok man, really. You don't have to." He assured him. "Yeah, whatever. I'm taking your bag." He smiled as he walked away with Steve's duffel bag in one hand and his own in the other. "Thanks man!". 

Steve then turned his focus back on Natasha who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her two fingers. "Come on." He offered her his hand and she happily took it and got on her feet. He supported her weight on his side with one hand wrapped around her and the other holding her carry on. "You feeling any bette?" He asked her as they were walking down the stairs and all he got in respond was a muffled "mhhh" . As they got to the bus that had been planned by Fury to take them to their hotel, Steve saw Tony walking to them.

"What's up with Red?" He asked them as he got close to them. "Tony!" Natasha growled, making them both turn to see her looking at him with a frown "no nicknames!". Tony shrugged and focused back on Steve. "The drug's effect is wearing off, it's gonna take a while." He assured the burnet that she was fine he nodded.

"Captain!" Steve turned around to see Maria Hill approaching him. "Hill." He nodded in greeting as she stood by their side. "Sergeant Barnes is already here." She informed him, a wide smile plastered on his face as he heard her call him sergeant. "Where is he?" He asked her as Natasha tried to stand straight, giving him the assurance he'd need from her behalf in case he wanted to walk away and meet his friend. "They'll be here any minute." "They?" Natasha asked with a hoarse voice. "Fury's asked an agent to accompany him." Steve told her with his boyish smile, making her lips to curl up in a soft smile, a smile that wouldn't last long.

"Captain Rogers!"

The voice came from behind them. A too familiar feminine voice for both Steve and Natasha. A voice that caused Natasha's brows to meet each other in a deep knot. They both turned around to meet the source who had her gaze fixed on Steve.

"Agent thirteen! Where is Barnes?" Hill asked her, not paying much attention to the sudden changes of their expression. The agent moved her gaze from Steve to Maria "Oh, we actually got here before you did and they gave us two rooms. He is in his room and I-" she turned her gaze to Steve "I just came here to inform you." She replied with a smile.

"Thank you, Sharon!". Natasha tilted her head to study Steve's face as he was smiling widely and his eyes were sparkling. She was trying to decide if it was all about his best friend or if it had anything to with Sharon being the agent who was accompanying him. She turned away and focused her attention on Sharon. "Oh, I actually have your keys as well. Barnes and I are staying in two opposite rooms on the fifth floor, all your rooms are on the sixth." She told him as she handed him the keys "You know, just in case him and Stark have troubles getting along.". "Thanks, but I think Agent Hill should take care of those." He was speaking to them but didn't bother to look at them as he was fumbling through the keys to take two out and then handed the rest to Maria.

 "I've got two for Natasha and I, would you mind arranging the rest?" He asked her and she nodded in agreement just before she turned on her heels and walked away. A soft smile danced over Natasha's lips as she heard he had taken out two keys for them and tried to grab the keys from him but he wouldn't let her have them, but turned his focus on her. "Nat, would you mind if I go check up on Bucky first? I'll have Clint help you up." He asked her while he picked her carry on up, waiting for her answer "but if you want, I can get you to your room first." 

Natasha was eying Sharon from the corner of her eyes and seeing the unapproving expression on her face turned her lips to a lopsided smile. "It's ok, I think I can handle myself." She smiled at him. "Oh, that's good. But I'll have Clint walk you to your room anyway." He told her with a firm expressions he walked to Clint, leaving Natasha and Sharon behind.

The two locked eyes just as Steve left them, each studying the other closely. "I heard Captain Rogers has been paired up with you, it seems things are working well." Sharon was the one who broke the silent. "You can say that." Natasha  answered in a nonchalantly tone. "Well, I guess things work out better if your good friends." Sharon spoke back with a coy smile, stressing on the word friends.

 Natasha pressed her lips to a thin line as she studied the blond. She was wondering if Steve had ever told her about their little chat from a couple of years ago. She knew there had been a spark between the two blondes, but it hadn't lasted long. It had been a rough time, he'd asked Sharon for help instead of Natasha and to this day, that was a sore spot between them, but she couldn't blame him, not entirely. She'd sided with Tony and she'd warned him that someone would arrest him, that may have sounded as a thread, even though it was mostly pleading on her side.

She'd helped Steve though, she'd let him run away, gaining a lot of anger from the genius playboy who'd even spat at her for being a double sided spy. Everything had gone down hill after that, but the one thing Natasha appreciated was Steve having to stay away from Sharon that eventually helped the spark to cool down. It had taken only two years, two years for everything to go south without the avengers. There had been threads and too many of them that the governments had desperately asked to have the Avengers and SHIELD back, but also asked them to keep it all classified. Steve and Natasha had been teamed up again to go on missions and they were enjoying their perfection as a team and the two of them, coming to realize the other meant more to themselves than just a teammate or a friend was it's highlight. 

Natasha opened her mouth to reply but Sharon beat her to it "I mean, it's really nice for a Russian spy and assassin to get a chance with America's golden boy, right?" She smirked as she saw Natasha's eyes widen and her lips press to a thin line. Natasha went silent, her gaze was absent and looked empty, there was no hint of any human emotions in her eyes. Sharon's smirk suddenly turned to a friendly smile as she looked over Natasha's shoulder.

"Tasha, you ready to go?" Clint's voice reached her from behind but Natasha didn't bother to turn around. The minute Clint reached her side, Sharon excused herself and walked away.

"Hey, you ok?" Clint's voice took a worried tone as he saw her face. She nodded and turned around, Clint mirroring her action to walk her to the lifts. Her eyes staid focused on two blondes, walking side by side to the lift. She saw them get involved in their conversations easily, everything looking natural and real. A sigh escaped her lips and she looked away as she whispered under her breath.

"He doesn't belong with me."

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