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Vito opens his eyes to see Lala standing over him. He sits up on the headboard to stare back at her. His eyes run to the window to see the sun rising.

"Shoot Madison."

"Do you need something?" He asks trying to make out her face

"She's downstairs"

Vito runs his hands over his tired face and steps out of the bed. He leaves her in the room by herself and makes his way downstairs to see Madison feeding Layla.

"Ivy,baby,I fell asleep last night."

Madison turns her head to look at him,emotionless ,Layla looks up at her father and begins to scream.


"hey baby"

He places a kiss on her forehead and takes a seat on the couch beside them.

Madison continues to feed her,occasionally trying to get her to be still,now that her father is in the room.

"Layla come on,you have to eat."

Madison and Victor sit in silence. Madison was highly confused. She came to his house to see a woman he used to sleep with on his couch,wearing his clothes. She didn't allow herself to think outside of the box. She simply walked in and placed Cairo upstairs and then decided to make breakfast for her and Layla.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." Madison says placing Layla on the couch so she could feed her

"No I should get ready to leave" she responds groggily

Madison watched her leave the couch and head upstairs.

Lala's footsteps get Victor's attention. He stands up and walks to the door,waiting on her. Vito looks at Madison to see her not even moved,just sitting there feeding his daughter.

"Victor I want to thank you,you gave me closure and that was enough for me."

She wraps her arms around his torso,hugging his stiff body. He didn't know whether to hug her back or what. His woman sits only a couple centimeters away,awaiting his decision.

"No problem"

She lets him go and turns to look at Madison.

"Madison, you have someone who loves you so much,don't mess it up"

Vito watches Lillian leaves and shuts the door behind her.

"Baby I-

"I feel disrespected and I'm kind of confused on why she was here." Madison says cutting him off

"Ivy she needed someone to talk to."

"Does she not have friends?"

Jealousy eats at her,making Vito smile,he likes his woman territorial just as he is.

"Ivy I told her to get an abortion. She lost two babies,what the hell do you expect me to do,be more of an ass and tell her to go her way?" He questions

"Victor, that's not my fault and I expected as a boyfriend you would call me and let me know that your ex is in your house and that you're okay,you didn't call and you didn't come back for us."

Vito nods and walks over to her.

"Alright Princess, I'm sorry,I'm wrong for that, I should of told you she was here and I should've let you know that I'm home safe"

Madison places the empty plate on the coffee table and hands Layla her sippy cup.

"I'm going to get in the shower."

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