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Two days later

"What are you bringing with you?" Vito asks Madison as they sit around his table

"It's not much in the house but I want everything."

Vito takes another sip of his alcoholic beverage and shakes his head.

"Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate this."

"Honestly I don't want to sit around and act like we are A okay. You're moving my son to a whole new state." He says calmly with a hint of anger

"Victor I get that you're gonna be upset about this situation but how do you think I feel? One day our children will ask Mommy what did you go to college for and I'll have to explain I didn't finish just to make Daddy happy. Victor my happiness matters also,don't you think?"

"IVY I'M NOT TRYNA- I'm not trying to hear the bs okay? You can finish school up here. How hard is that?"

Madison shakes her head before biting her lip to try to contain the tear fighting to slip out.

"I-I don't want to Victor. NYU Is a great college. A college that I would love to graduate from."

The lump in her throat made it hard for her to speak properly. She wanted to so badly show her emotion but she didn't want him to feel like he had caused that.

"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD OF THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE HAVING THE DAMN BABY!" He shouts throwing his glass off the table,making it shatter into pieces

Vito walks out the dining room to the balcony to get some fresh air. Hurt is definitely understanding. His child wouldn't be with him at all.

"V can we please sit and have this civilized conversation. I hate being on bad terms with you,already we are going through this rough patch and I feel like this talk is what we need. Just us two and no one else"

Vito slides his hand to his pocket and pulls out a blunt. He lights it with a lighter before pulling the marijuana smoke into his chest then out through his lips.

"One time I let you slip by taking my child away from me, But this time I can not and will not agree. You can come and pick the kids up whenever,but my children are staying with me and That's my final word." He replies coldly

"Disobey my orders Ivy and you will find out why nigga's fear me."

"So what are you threatening me now?" She asks tilting her head at him looking at him crazy

"I made you a promise not a threat."

"Why are you making this so harder than it needs to be? Just move to New York with us."


"V please...just two days ago you were agreeing with me." She cries


"Please Victor don't do this to me. He needs his mother at night to rock him. He needs his mother to feed him. Please don't be that selfish-"

"Selfish you got some damn nerves talking about selfishness. Give me one damn good reason why I should allow you to take him?"

"Because...Because he's not yours"
(sike jk jk don't yell at me.😂 it was just a joke)

"Because I'm his mother Victor, and you know a mother is important in a child's life. Layla is an example, She has me but what if I wasn't here?" "Some things a father can't"

"Do you hear yourself? We are talking about my son, A boy who has a penis. What can I not teach him that you can?"

"...How to love someone properly." Madison replies

"Again as I said earlier you have some nerves."

The two argued for quite some time before the sound of a high pitched cry disturbs them both.


Madison dashes back in the house with Vito following not so far behind. He runs past her up the stairs and pushes the door open to hear his screams.

"What's wrong Cairo?"

He walks over to him and picks him up only for him to get louder.

"Put him down, put him down."

Madison runs over to him and grabs him out of Vito's hand only to still have the same reaction.

"What's wrong with him?" She cries placing him on the bed

"I don't know." Vito says shaking his head

"Check his diaper."

"It wasn't wet when I felt on him" Vito replies

"Still check him"

Madison pulls his baby shorts off and opens up the side of his diaper.

"He's dry."

"See if he's hungry." Vito says trying to pull her shirt down

"Get off of me." She shouts pushing him

She takes her breast out of bra and lifts him up ,she places her nipple by his mouth only for him to continue to cry.

"He doesn't want it." She cries

"Ivy put it in his mouth."

"Victor, he doesn't want it." She screams

She places her breast away and slaps the palm of her hand on her forehead.

"Call Shannon." She says looking up to see Vito on the floor defeated

He grabs his phone from his pocket and swipes on the screen. He places the phone to his ear and waits for the call to go through. The call went to voicemail making him throw it across the room.


"She didn't answer?" She asks

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?!" He shouts causing her to burst into tears

Vito softens his face once he realizes what he did. He lets out a breath and walks over to her embracing her.

"Baby I'm sorry okay. I know you're trying."

The sound of footsteps entering the room causes them to look up.

"Ya'll don't hear the baby crying?" Raniyah asks, laying the carseat with Ava in it on the floor.

"We don't know why he's crying. He won't eat, he didn't use the bathroom and he's crying when we pick him up." Madison says

Vito rubs her back, embracing her on his side.

"Sounds like he's constipated."

Raniyah walks up to Cairo and begins massaging his stomach.

"It's okay little baby. We're going to get that big monster out of you."

Once her hands begin working against his stomach his cries begin to die down.

"Yes I know it hurts." She coos placing a kiss on his stomach

The sound of Cairo letting gas out causes his parents to laugh.

"My baby is all better." She squeals wiping tears from off her face

"I was losing my mind Niyah thanks a lot."

Vito places a kiss on her forehead and watches as she goes to pick up Cairo.

"Toot I'm so sorry...Mommy and Daddy didn't know what to do."

Vito rubs his hand against Cairo's head and stares at Madison.


"Alright what?" She questions

"We're moving to New York."

I know it's short but I wanted to get this chapter out of the way.


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