Friend or Foe?

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Early the next morning, Lauren had to be at the arena for practice, leaving a very sleepy and exhausted brunette in her bed.

Camila vaguely remembered Lauren waking her up and giving her a kiss goodbye in the early morning hours. She got out of the bed and took a shower. This became a routine for the small brunette.

Dressed and fresh for the day, she headed downstairs in the private elevator. She was happy to have the day off and was looking forward to relaxing. As she exited the small lift, Lauren's butler, Alfred, was there to greet her.

"Good morning, Lady Camila. How are you feeling this morning?"

The doctor smiled at the older man.

He had made it a habit in calling her "Lady Camila", after she told him to stop calling her Ms. Cabello.

"I'm well, Alfred. How are you?" The brunette smiled making her way down the hallway.

"Wonderful, miss. Breakfast is waiting for you at the dining table."

"Thank you."

Camila made her way to the large dining room where a bountiful breakfast awaited her. As the doctor sat down, she felt a little lonely. She wished Lauren was there with her.

*  *  *

"The playoffs are in two days ladies! I want to see some hustle out there!"

The Monarchs coach yelled as the women did there drills on the basketball court.

After a hard practice with the team, Lauren couldn't wait to get home and spend some time with Camila before their flight to Minneapolis the next morning.

She was sitting in the back seat of her usual vehicle of transportation with her sports agent, Simon Cowell. He was a good, honest man and always seemed to know what deals to negotiate for the best interest of his client. The 51 year old man had been with Lauren since the beginning of her career and has been doing a damn good job.

As her agent chatted away on his cell phone, Lauren decided to make a call of her own.

"Hi, baby."  Camila cooed answering the call.

"Hey, beautiful. How's my girl this lovely afternoon?"

"Lonely. I don't like waking up without you."

"I know, but I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

"Actually, Lauren..." Simon interrupted.

"Hang on, baby," Lauren turned to her agent.

"It turns out we have a prior engagement and we have to be there within the next hour."

"Oh." Lauren turned her attention back to her phone. "Umm, baby..."

"I heard." Camila said disappointed. "You go ahead and do what you have to do. I understand."

"I'm sorry, Camz. I'll make it up to you."

"You better."

Lauren chuckled lightly.

"I will. Hey, baby, now that I got you on the phone, could you fill out another prescription for me. I ran out of pills this morning."

"This is your last refill, Laur. Four is the limit with these pills." The doctor warned.

"Oh, yeah I know. Like you said, ask for the last refill if I need it and I do. This pain should subside soon. I probably won't even finish the new bottle."

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