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Next morning

     I was sleeping. It was early morning and my alarm had not woken me up yet. But my sleep was disturbed by some loud sound coming from downstairs .I slowly woke up and the sound got louder. I was sure by now, that the sound was coming, because my father was shouting her name and calling me through abusive word

    I with fear slowly came down.
And came in front of my father.He was standing there with his bloodshot eyes, looking at me with anger.

  As I  came in front of him...he got  hold of my hairs and kicked me on my stomach and I  fell on the ground in pain. He then slapped me in the face. The slap was so hard, that my lips started bleeding.

      He then hitting me for some more time went in his room ordering me to clean the house as he was expecting some people

     I stood up on my leg still in pain. Went to my room ,got ready for college and coming down started cleaning the house.

    Then completing the cleaning work as fast as possible, I took the last apple remaining in the basket, took my stuff for college and soon ran out of the house to college

    I reached college and after checking the surroundings and time realised that I  was quite early then the college time. I was thinking that  coming early and spending time in the library is better than staying at home so I moved towards the library.

   When I entered the library, I found it empty so I relaxed. Then I  moved towards the section of books I wanted and started searching it and after I  got the books I  started moving towards the corner of the library, so I  can sit silently and read..

    I  went and sat on my place and started reading..I  was always interested in reading books about big business tycoons and business related books..I  was reading book when I heard some noise from the shelf that was next to me..I moved at that side..and what I  saw left me surprised, there i saw Manik studying sitting in the corner of library with books scattered all around..

'Manik!..what are u doing here..at this time'. I said

'oh! Hey!! Hi nandini..u here..  yeah I was going through some important books. Then whole day I am not available to go through them' He said

'oh!!..I see' I said

And I was going to move back to my seat as after yesterday I had decided that I won't talk to him much.I was shocked seeing him here, that too at this time and like this..what he show's to the world, he is exactly opposite to it. My thought process came to hold as I heard him asking me

  'How come u over here today this early, know one comes over here at this time.' he said

    'I just woke up early today so just through to come early and read' I said

   'oh..so that you are here early...we can also work at this time..so we can complete our project and we'll get sufficient time if we start early and we can submit it before time'.He said
He has a point we can start working and I will also get excuse to get out of house early

   'That's good though..we can do that..today it's already time so we'll continue from tomorrow..what say' I said.

  'Yeah I have no problem..so tomorrow morning 8, is it okay'.He said

  'okay done..then I'll meet u tomorrow.. I'll get going..Navya must be coming'. I said. And turned to go..when he called me

   'Nandini..' He called

    Yes!! I said

    'umm.. nothing bye' He said

 nothing bye' He said

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