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Next day Nandini woke up going down and saw that her father was still not home..not that she cared..

She got ready..and getting Chance took some money..and got out of the house..

She was early because she and Manik had to work on the project..

Though she started early..she had doubts..if Manik would come..

Though chucking her thoughts She reached and moved towards the library..

As she entered..she found the library empty..

She sight thought Manik was still not there..

She took a table and settled down..after a moment..she thought to just check in the corner..where he was sitting.. thinking he would be there today too..

She moved there..and found him engrossed in book Seriously..and books all around him

She softly called him 'Manik'
He looked up smiling on listening to her soft voice..which he could make out without looking at her too

'Hey' he said getting up

'I thought you might have come..as I'm early today' she asked..

'Aah..you are early..but not mere than me..it's been nearly an hour..I'm here 'He said

'what..why this early' she said
'actually..we had decided..we would start our work..and I gave to study to...so I came a little early' He said
'i didn't knew..you were so studied..I had hear about you being all cool and bad boy types..and from the time I have meet you..you have been showing all good boy types..what should I believe you to be' she said...in a playful way..buy somewhat clearing hidden doubts in her mind

'Aah.. now that's a good point..but then it's your look out..about how do you see me..if you ask me..I'll always ask you to believe good side as everybody..so be with me..know about me..and then decide who i am..coz every person shows fake side to world..and real side to dear and near once 'He said careful about words..but giving some hints about her place in his life

Is words wore direct but on point..and Nandini could not think of what to say..so she just relied an obvious reply' Okay..so now on..I'm on the work of knowing the real you with doing the project'

'okay..now come..bring you stuff here..we should start the project..in next 45 min students will start coming..and we have to stop' he said

'Are we going to sit on the floor and work' she asked

'Yaa..this is more comfortable..try it..and if you have any problem then we can shift on the table's..'he said

'No..no..I don't have any problem..it's just that.. looking at you i was shocked..as we can say somewhere you are the owner of this college..and I have seen rich kids are very particular about things..'she voiced out..

'i know..but this is not mine..my parents own it..not me..I have to build my sled own my own..and not because of their name.. that's the reason..I work in my company as normal employee..with no extra benefits..and this not acceptable to my parents' he said

'Now come fast and settle down..I have some amazing stuff..which can be good for our topic..come I'll show you..'he said..

'You started working on it already..'she asle amazed..

'ya..why haven't you??'he asked.
'No..I was still confused about the topic..about what we can do in it..I thought I would talk to you today..and then I would do some research work' he said

No problem..come..I'll show you

      They got busy in their world..not knowing around the surrounding..

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