23. In the mall...

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Lilly heard a very familiar voice as her eyes met the person's in the mirror and she paled. It was Elsie.

She was about to rush out of the washroom when the old woman stopped her saying, "I want to talk about something."

"I don't think we have anything to talk about." Lilly just wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

"Even when it's about Sam?" the old woman asked.

"If it is about Sam then there is nothing to talk about."

"Just hear me out once. I am not going to take him away from you so just hear me once."

Taking in a deep breath Lilly turned to look at her.
"Ok. What is it?"

"Tomorrow is Sam's birthday. I know he is happy with you and only you can take good care of him." Lilly looked at the old woman in disbelief wondering if this was the same woman who had shouted that she'd take Sam away. She couldn't believe her ears. The old lady sounded as if she had given up on the idea of taking Sam's custody. That too so easily.

" I will not try to take him away from you." Elsie continued, "But I want to be a part of his life. He is my Sebastian's son. I am his grandmother so I have at least that much of right in his life. Haven't I?"

Lilly noted the softness in Elsie's eyes when she said Sebastian's name.
"Please, Lilly. Let me be a part of his life. I too want to see him grow happily. I am not asking you for a lot. Just this much
I just want to be a part of Sam's life."

When Lilly didn't say anything the old woman sighed.
"If you change your mind if you let me be a part of his life then please come tomorrow at 7 p.m. at my villa. Your husband knows the address. I have prepared a small birthday party for my grandson. It will be just me and my husband, Sebastian's dad. We will be waiting so please bring Sam."

Lilly noted how much Elsie tried to avoid taking Ashton's name as if it was a plague. Lilly couldn't help but remember Grace's words that 'Elsie never liked Ashton.'

"I'll think about it," Lilly said tightly and she quickly walked out of the washroom. The air in the enclosed area suddenly felt so heavy that it was making it difficult for her to breathe.

When she reached the eating area she found Ashton and Sam waiting for her. "Finally you are here. I thought you were going to spend an eternity in there." Ashton laughed and Lilly just smiled as she tried to hide her nervousness.
"Are you alright? You look a little pale." Ashton frowned looking at her.

"Oh. I am fine. I just feel a little tired. You must be tired too so let's leave quickly." she said picking Sam up in her arms.
" I will take Sam and you take the bags." She laughed looking at Ashton as he tried to get a hold of all those bags.
"I guess I shopped a bit too much."

During the ride back home Lilly couldn't help but think about what Elsie had said. What should she do? Was it ok to let Elsie become a part of Sam's life, Lilly questioned herself.
Elsie has already said that she doesn't want to fight for Sam's custody so it isn't anything dangerous and of course, she is growing old and as Sam's grandmother she does have a right on him, Lilly acknowledged.

'Taking Sam to that house would mean taking Ashton along with them and this way Ashton will be able to spend some time with his father. Maybe then the father and son who has grown so distant from each other during all these years will come a little closer. If the distance between them narrow a little then Ashton will be able to enjoy his father's company. Sometimes, I wonder when he has his father here then why does he live like an orphan? Why he never talks about anything or anyone related to his childhood. So when he has a family then why not give that family a second chance. A chance for Ashton.' Lilly smiled to herself as she finally made her decision.

Looking at Ashton playing with Sam as the duo laughed happily her decision only strengthened. It was time for father and son to reconcile.

Now when she had finally decided to take Sam to Elsie for tomorrow evening Lilly still wasn't sure how she was going to get Ashton ready for this. She didn't want to do anything against Ashton's wishes. He had been so nice to her during all this time and she didn't want to take even one step wrong to ruin all those good things. She would need to think of a way to get him to agree to this, she thought to herself.

Lilly sat on Ashton's thighs as they both were seated on the newly added couch in the master room staring out of the window at the moon. The soft light of the moon falling on their bodies as the night breeze brushed past them.

"It looks so beautiful. So peaceful." Lilly smiled.

"Yes. It sure does." Ashton smiled at her.

"You know I was-"

Her words got lost in a soft gasp as Ashton nuzzled her neck. His actions catching her by surprise.

" I know what, sweetheart?" Ashton smiled against her skin well aware of the effect he was having on her.

''Let me speak." Lilly protested as she struggled to find her words.

"Who am I to stop you?" he teased as he continued, "I am listening to you. Speak."  so he said but he continued with his exploration of her body as he slowly took her earlobe in his mouth.

He could feel her cheeks turning red and her ears getting hotter. He liked the way she reacted to him. Relishing in the fact that she was his. He slowly ran his fingers on her arm his touch as light and gentle as a feather.

''Ashton.." her voice was almost a whisper as she turned in his arms and looked into his beautiful eyes.

Lowering his head he covered her lips with his own as his hands cupped her soft and pink cheeks.
"Your lips are so soft and beautiful that I could kiss them all day and it would still not be enough," he said murmuring into her mouth.

As he took her lips again, this time into a deeper kiss she threaded her fingers in his hair pulling him into her. Needing and craving more of him. A kiss so passionate that made Lilly groan low in her throat as her breasts pressed against his chest.

As she straddled on his thighs his hands roamed restlessly across her slender waist and down to the curviness of her hips. With one hand he pulled her nightgown lower enough to expose a full and aroused breast. He gently cupped beneath the swell of her breast before running the soft pad of his thumb across the swollen nipple. Lilly gasped as he took the swollen berry in his mouth. She started shifting restlessly against his arousal as he continued to devour her sweet flesh.

Her heart was beating so hard that she could hear the thumping in her ears. He moved to her second breast repeating the same ministrations sending quivers of pleasure to the core of her femininity.

"Ashton, please!" She groaned achingly. Wanting more of his touch. Needing his hands on every inch of her skin.
She slowly started caressing his bared chest. Her soft fingers touching the hard contours of his muscled shoulders and chest. He was the perfection that could put any sculptor to shame.

He picked her up with her legs wrapped about his waist and her mouth on his, he made their way to their king-sized bed where they would continue with the foreplay before finally divulging into mind-blowing sex.

"Ashton.." she said again as she lied on top of him sated from the long lovemaking.
The difficult matters should be settled in bed because that is the place where your chances of victory are always high, she thought to herself. She had to get this deal signed and sealed before he dozed off to sleep.

"Hmm..?" He smiled as he snaked an arm around her waist pulling her closer into him.

"I wanted to say...er... no I mean that.." she couldn't manage to find the right words.

"What is it, Lilly?" he asked as his thumb grazed on her softness.

Taking a deep breath she placed both her hands on his chest as she looked up into his beautiful eyes.

" I met Elsie in the mall today."

How do you think Ashton would react?🤔

Do you think Elsie is different from what Grace described her to be? Or is there something going at the back of her mind? 🤨

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