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School bells drilled into the ears of students passing by as Julie and her older sister y/n made their way to their lockers.

They have always been inseparable. Even more since the passing of their mother. They would not leave each others side the whole school day as they walked to classes and checking in on each other as they met up at their lockers side by side.

"Hey underachiever, hey stupid!" Flynn chorused as she approached me and Julie.
"Hey disappointment!" Julie yelled
"Yo Flynn." I laughed.
We chuckled but then Flynn put on a serious look and turned to Julie.

"You know I love you right?"
"Of course Flynn."
"Now when I say this I want you to know I say it completely out of love."
"Get to it!" I giggled
"You have to sing today okay! I need you to. For me and for y/n. We want to see you succeed and Mrs Harrison said it's your last chance!"
"I know, I was there Flynn"

All of a sudden, Carrie's voice is heard over Julie's.
"Y/n! Oh my god it's so good to see you! I feel like I haven't seen you in months!"
"It's only been a week Carrie."
"Well that doesn't matter. We must catch up soon. Well, here you go, my group is playing at the spirit rally. I expect to see you there tomorrow y/n. You can be my personal cheerleader!"

"Oh my gosh Carrie, thanks!" Flynn said in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh my gosh Flynn, don't bother coming!" Carrie retaliated. "I'll see you tomorrow y/n"

"My god. How do you stand her y/n?" Julie said, exasperated.
"Come on guys, she isn't that bad. We used to be so close. The three of us. There was just... A bump in the road I guess."
"Yeah, I guess" said Julie.

Flynn crumpled her flyer and threw it to the floor. Watching the paper guided Julie's eyes over to Nick. She fixated a longing gaze on him and his group of friends as they walked by.

"Nick? Still? You know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." Flynn looked at her
"Oh stop it. He's a sweetheart."
"Well Julie, I hate to break it to you but you would have to talk to him to find that out." I laughed
"Only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby." Flynn said. She directed her eye line towards Carrie and yelled "Demon!". Julie and Flynn quickly spun round and hid their faces. I stood confidently and gave her a wave as she turned to glare at them. When she saw me she smiled and waved back.

We all laughed. "You see, those are the smiles I've been longing to see" Flynn smiled, "now let's go prove everyone wrong."

In music class Nick stood at the front of the class and played his electric guitar, catching Julie in a trance. As he finished everyone roared with cheers and applause. "Wow Nick, almost as impressive as your game against Glendale" Mrs Harrison smiled. Nick laughed and sat down next to Carrie.

"Okay we have one last performance, Julie" Mrs Harrison announced as Julie fixed her eyes to the ground as she made her way to the grand piano.
Me and Flynn clinged into each others forefingers as our little way of crossing our fingers. I really hope that she can do this. She looked up at me and I gave her a reassuring nod to say, you can do this.

Julie sat down and I saw her carefully examining the keys of the piano. She took a deep breath and stood up abruptly. "I'm sorry" She ran out of the music room but not before Carrie could make a snarky comment. "Is this when we clap?"

Me and Flynn closely follow her but Carrie grabs my wrist and asks, "y/n, can you stay? I'm about to perform and I really want you to see."
"Sorry Carrie, but I need to check on my sister. You can show your performance to me in our own time" I quickly say before I run out after my sister.

It was after school when we had gotten home and were sitting at the table, doing homework before our dad came bursting in.
"Girls! You're home! I was about to watch your brother's game but I wanted to talk to you about a phone call I got today before I do anything else." He came and sat down next to us.
"Yeah... We figured as much." Julie sighed.
"Yeah, it was my realtor friend." Dad said.
"Ohh that." I smiled.

"Yeah, and she says if we're serious about selling the house we should get some photos for the house website." He paused. "Which means a lot of cleaning and we need to get rid of some stuff. I thought you guys could tackle mom's studio?"
Me and Julie looked at eachother and sighed.
"You guys are the experts, you know me and you brother wouldn't even know where to start. It's okay if you guys aren't ready-"

"No it's okay dad" I reassured him.
"Maybe we can attempt it tonight" Julie said.
"Yeah? Awesome, thankyou girls, and don't forget the loft with the instruments we found when we moved in. They need a new home." Our dad smiled.
"I know mom would like that" Julie said, grabbing my hand.
"Of course she would" dad nodded, "oh god I'm late!" He rushed around looking for his keys.
"Under the mail" me and Julie chorused.
"You guys are life savers" our dad thanked us and dashed out the door.


Hello again! I'm sorry for the build up and no drama just yet. I want to make sure there is enough detail in this so that you as a reader can get invested and not have it be over in a matter of minutes. I love fictions where you can be reading for a full day, so expect some blushing and romantic looks soon, I promise :)


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