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After our dad found us at the gig, he drove us home in complete silence. He was so disappointed, you could tell by just listening to the pattern of his breathing. We hadn't let him down in months, we had the art of the perfect daughters mastered. I guess we just didn't take everything into account that night. We walked up the drive, me and Julie ahead of our dad as all we wanted to do was forget about everything.

"Girls, we need to talk." He stopped on the deck, "So, after skipping school, missing a test, you decided to sneak out even though I told you to go to your room and study? You should know better, especially you, y/n. You're supposed to be Julie's example."


"I'm sorry." Julie told him.

"Yeah, you keep saying that. If you'd just... let me in, I could've been excited about tonight instead of having this conversation we all hate. Why didn't you guys tell me you were in a band?"

"It all just happened so fast." I said.

"The last couple of weeks have changed our lives" Julie grabbed my hand and smiled at me as she explained to dad, "We feel so much closer to mom."

"And I love that, you know I do. But your Tia is right. School comes first."

"We know that, but without the band, Jules never would have made it back into the music program." I smiled.

"They played with me when I was trying to earn back my spot."

"They did?"

"I think this is our thing, dad."

"Well, I'd be a jerk of a dad if I took that away from you. Look, If you're going to stay in this band, you need to keep up with school, and you need to keep me in the loop."


"Thanks dad" We both hugged him and were ready to go inside when he asked us another thing.

"Hey, so that lady at your show, she was, like, some sort of manager right? Could've been a big deal."

"Who knows?" I said, "Hopefully, she'll get to see us playing again."

"Which we will tell you about." Julie finished my sentence.

"Oh yeah you will, cause if I ever catch you trying to sneak out again, or if your grades slip, I'm gonna pull the plug. Or whatever it is that make those holograms work. Do I ever get to meet these guys?"

"Probably... not. They don't even live here." I told him.

"It's kind of confusing, but being seen isn't really their thing."

"You kids and your tech, it's.. definitely beyond me."

"Definitely beyond something." I whispered.

"Well, wherever they are, they brought my girls back, so as far as I'm concerned, they're like angels to me."

Suddenly, our aunt came bursting out of the door, panting as she ran. She stopped before us, "This house is haunted! We have to go, now!"

"What happened? Victoria, I know you want us to move, but this is a little extreme. I told you, we're ok."

"I'll let Carlos explain, he refuses to leave, but if movies have taught me anything, when a house is haunted, you run." She ran past us and out the driveway, I really hope she hasn't seen the guys.

We went upstairs that night, but didn't sleep much. We were so happy we caught our first gig, I couldn't be more proud of Julie, facing her fears and performing again, and in front of such a large audience. I was in awe. That night had given me so much inspiration, as soon as I sat down, I brought out my song book and started writing.

The Ghost Playing Bass(Reggie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now