Chapter 39: Deserted Town

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Chapter 39: Deserted Town

Four days. Four whole days I have lied to Aiden. It's killing me inside, slowly eating me alive.

Gabe and Daniel believe keeping it a secret is for the better but maybe if I tell him he will understand.

Or maybe he won't.

I sigh as I look at myself in my bathroom mirror.

I can't see Aiden, it hurts me inside to look at those pure blue eyes of his and lie to him. It hurt too much.

I heard a knock on the door and winced.

If it's Aiden I might just jump out the window and see how far I can make it.

Probably not far.

I fixed my curls and plastered a sweet smile on my face before strutting towards my bedroom door.

I open it wide only to be greeted by the face of my mother.

I felt my smile lower, the sadness of her words digging deeply into my skin, reminding me how much I wasn't worth her time.

A small smile formed on her face, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Hi dear, " she said as she stood there, staring at me.

I tried to say something but my mouth wouldn't move.

A frown grew on her face as she sighed and ran her hands through her hair, "We can't keep ignoring each other. We should talk, " she suggested.

I nodded slowly as I scoot to the left so she could walk into the room.

I glanced out the hallway and realized Aiden wasn't here, gladly.

I closed my bedroom door and faced the woman who raised me, she was sitting at the end of my bed, a sad smile on her face.


"Hate me. You deserve to, " she interrupted as she sniffed in.

I felt my heartbeat increase nervously at what words she was going to say.

I could never hate her, she's my mother.

She patted the seat next to her and I sat beside her on the comfy mattress.

She turned to me, the small wrinkles filling her face.

"I blamed you, I always did. Charlie, your brother. He was everything to me. He was my firstborn. When I found out I was pregnant I was afraid to tell my parents, they showed no care for me, they...hated me. I knew they wouldn't help me, I knew your dad was trying to but he was only 23, trying to finish college. We had enough money to buy an apartment and when we did I had to learn to do so many things. Cook, clean, find a job, raise your brother." She wiped the one tear that rolled down her cheek before continuing, "I promised I would never treat my kids as my parents treated me. Charlie taught me how to be an independent woman, how to live for myself. When you were born I knew you were a gift from God, so I named you Heaven. You were so gorgeous, you started to become my number one priority. Once your brother went off to college, I knew I had a couple of years left with you."

"Mom, " my voice broke as I felt the tears roll down my cheek.

She shook her head, silencing me.

"What I'm trying to say is that you didn't do anything to hurt your brother. Falling for someone was not your fault. I blamed it on you, expecting somehow Char would come back, but he didn't. And the more I blamed you, the more I knew we were pulling apart." she sighed as she wiped her nose.

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