Chapter 10

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Cynthia/ AL.I.C.E-2968442

I slowly opened my eyes. Where was I? I was lying on a dirty couch staring at a ceiling I did not know. There was a stain on it, probably from some point in the past. I sat up and started to remember last night. After we had finished dinner, I talked with Ren and his parents for a while. They had asked me all kinds of questions, and Ren and I had tried our best to spin a realistic and consistent story about where I had come from and what I was doing here. When it came time for us to go to sleep, his parents had asked me if I would sleep in Ren's room. He furiously refused, and I was left to sleep on the couch. I suppose I could not blame him for being uncomfortable around me. At the end of the day, he was still likely to see me as a non-human. He probably did not want me to be so close when he was unconscious of fear I might harm him.

I leaned back on the couch. It was dirty but reasonably comfortable. Better than our couch at home, at least. Perhaps I could convince my guardians to get a new one once I got back. If we could even get a new couch, that is. It was already there before we moved in, so it might not be replaceable.

I stared at the ceiling. It had a light blue paint applied to it. The faint smell of the dinner we had eaten last night still hung in the air. Everyone seemed to look at it questionably, but it was good. It was really good. I had never tasted anything like it. Though, it was not as good as that chocolate cupcake thing I had eaten earlier that day. Just thinking about it made my mouth water slightly. I swallowed. Was that even chocolate? It tasted nothing like the chocolate I had before. I wonder what other flavors tasted like here. Chicken, broccoli, apples, or anything else. Honestly, they all seemed to have similar flavors that were similar when compared. Was it like that here? What else was different here anyway? I do not know how long I had before I should head back. Indeed, I could spend a little more time looking around today as well. I would have to see everything I could get Ren to show me today.

A pair of hands wrapped around me from behind and covered my mouth. I hadn't even heard them approach. Was I too lost in thought? I felt myself tense up. If it was one of the beings from down here, I should be able to overpower it, despite not being designed for combat.

"Don't scream." It was Ren's voice. I loosened back up. If he did not want me to scream, he should not be sneaking up behind me and grabbing me. He let go and walked around the couch so that he was in front of me. He was carrying the makeup he had used yesterday. I guess it must have rubbed off in my sleep. That seemed likely enough. He opened the makeup and began to brush it on my face. Still, he did not have to sneak up behind me like that. I am not sure what goes on in his head sometimes.

"Stop making that face. It makes it hard to apply the makeup."

I relaxed my expression. I am not sure what face I was making, but I imagine I was conveying my frustration with him. He continued to brush onto my face carefully. He stepped back a few times and walked around the room to look at my face from different angles, then came back to apply more makeup until he seemed satisfied with the results. The whole exchange seemed to take about 10 minutes.

He walked back behind me and came back around with a bag on his back. He gestured for me to follow.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I'm going to show you the way back up to your home."

"Wha- I don't have to go back yet, do I?" He seemed to ponder my words for a moment before replying.

"Definitely. I don't expect you can be missing for so long before your... people begin to worry about you." He paused before saying 'people,' I guess we were still in disagreement on the matter.

"I am sure it will be okay. I haven't been gone too long." I did not want to go yet. Now that I could blend in better, I wanted to explore everything about this world before I left. There was so much more to see, and I am sure I would not get another opportunity like this, after all.

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