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As much as I wanted to be engrossed in the novel I was attempting to read, I kept getting distracted by everything that was going on. I was leaning against Marc's chest, in between his legs, as we sprawled out on his bare bed. The room was as empty as it was the day we moved into it at the beginning of the year, only with our suitcases piled against one wall, all packed up and ready to go.

Another year, done with. Except this was it. No more high school after today. I spent practically two years at this school and I wasn't sure I was ready to leave it. The two years flew by and I knew it was time to move on to the next part of my life, but I didn't want to.

Marc tightened his arm around my body slightly. He was scrolling through Reddit on his phone, so I wasn't sure why he suddenly wanted to hold me a bit tighter, not that I was complaining.

The door banged open loudly, echoing through the empty room. I jumped at the sudden noise, nearly dropping my book and losing my place.

"Guys, it happened."

John stood in the open doorway, holding a large envelope in his hand. His face was flushed, like he had just ran all the way here. I wasn't even sure where he'd come from, since I had barely seen him all morning. He had disappeared after breakfast, saying he had some things to do before we were finally free of this campus. I didn't want to know what he meant, so I didn't ask.

"What happened?" Marc asked before I could say anything. "You finally not get lost trying to get here?"

"Shut up," John said, rolling his eyes before coming over to crawl onto the bed with us. He practically straddled me, hooking his feet under Marc's outstretched legs. The envelope was still in his hands and, since it was very close to my face now, I could see the university logo in the corner.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked, getting excited.

John smiled widely. "If you're thinking this is my future, then you are so right, baby." He pulled a large stack of papers out of the envelope. The top paper had the word 'Congratulations' in big, colorful letters across it. "I got in!"

I threw my arms around him immediately, burying my face into his neck, not even carrying that the action caused me to drop my book and lose my place. I was just so proud of John for getting into a college. I think we all sort of gave up on it happening, considering it was the day of graduation. Marc and I got our acceptances and made our decisions months ago. Only one school didn't outright decline John for admittance, sticking him onto the waitlist. Until today.

Over the last two years, I've been helping him get his grades up. He was borderline failing when we first started dating and I knew colleges would never look at him with scores that low. While I knew he tried his hardest, his grades still weren't the greatest. It seemed like a miracle that he got in, even if it was just a single school.

Marc's arms wrapped around the both of us and I heard him and John share a kiss above my head.

Having two boyfriends hasn't always been easy. But, despite the occasional argument, we all loved each other so much. We've gotten through any hardships that came up and we'd get through more. I didn't want to spend my life without both of them by my side.

Just as our little congradulation cuddle-fest was starting to turn heated, Marc's phone rang. Someone groaned at the interuption. Maybe it was me. But I know for sure we all knew what that phone call meant.

"Hi, Mom," Marc answered, sliding out from underneath me. "Yeah, we're in the room." He paused for a moment, grabbing his cap and gown off the other bed. "Okay, okay. We're on our way down. Be there in a minute."

I sighed, gently caressing John's face that was inches away from mine. "I think you have to get off me now," I told him with a small laugh.

"Why?" he asked, placing a light kiss to my lips. "It's not like our parents are here."

I rolled my eyes. His parents were probably going to show up just before the graduation ceremony began, running in at the last minute. My mom... well, I just hoped she remembered what day it was.

When she told me she'd try to be a better mother, I believed her. She did try, usually. But sometimes she completely fell off the grid and reverted back to her old self. Overall, she was getting better, but it wasn't nearly the progress I'd been hoping for. I think I had finally given up on expecting anything from her.

"Guys, come on," Marc said.

John gave me one more kiss before climbing off of me. I watched as he readjusted his shirt, covering up his toned body once again. No matter how many times I've seen his bare skin, I always found myself staring, even at the possibility of seeing more. Marc, too, I stared at all the time. It was bad, how in love with both of them I was. Sometimes, they were all I could think about.

"Come on, lovebug," Marc said, tossing my own graduation gown at me. Since I was still laying on the bed, I didn't even try reacting fast enough to catch it, so it fell on top of me, covering my face.

I stayed there another second in the darkness, not quite ready to leave the one place I truly felt comfortable calling home.

But I knew my time here was up. After today, I'd be a high school graduate, planning for my first year of college. The three of us were all going to different schools, unfortunately, but they were all close enough that we talked about getting an apartment together in the middle. Well, we had looked at a few options in between Marc's school and mine, but now we'd have to factor in John's school, too. I was pretty sure it wasn't too far away, though.

I knew, without a doubt, that I didn't care what my future held, as long as I was with the two of them. Anywhere with them would feel like home.

A/N: Well... this is it. I've finally finished writing this book. It's taken me way longer than I meant for it to, but it's also a lot longer than I orignially thought it was going to be. Thanks everyone for reading and for being patient with me while my updates slowed down toward the end.

Also, another big thanks to @confusedwriter68 for giving me the idea for this story! I hope it lived up to your expectations!

Before anyone asks about a sequel, the answer is I don't know yet. As much as I love these boys, I just have too much going on in my life to write more right now. Sorry to disappoint anyone that was hoping for a second book.

But thanks so much for reading and all the votes and comments! Don't forget to check out my other books if you're interested!

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